Category | Report | Subject | Management |
University | University of Roehampton | Module Title | RBP020L062S Financial Performance Management |
In this Unit We discuss about the assignment relates to financial management analysis to understand the financing and investing decisions for a business. Herein, the two selected companies chosen involve Company A as Sainsbury's Plc and Company B as Tesco Plc. A comprehensive analysis has been carried out for Sainsbury's Plc, considering both financial performance in the form of ratio analysis between 2022 and 2023 as well as non-financial parameters with regard to the Balanced Scorecard.The financial performance of an entity is conducted to examine the overall financial health, stability and performance of the company over the past years (Nariswari and Nugraha, 2020). On the other hand, the current ratio for Sainsbury's was 0.68 for both years (Sainsbury's, 2023). This suggests that in 2022, both the UK retail companies could earn 8% of their revenue as gross profit, whereas in 2023, it declined to 6% of the total sales for Sainsbury's and Tesco Plc.
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