BU7067: Managing Finance in Healthcare Organisations Assignment Answer

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Case study Subject Management
University University Of Chester Module Title BU7067 Managing Finance in Healthcare Organisations

About This Sample

In this sample, your report has been made based on companies in the health industry in UK and Pakistan. Its other two companies are the University Hospital of Morecambe and the NHS Trust which I own in the UK and the Indus hospital and health network in Pakistan. This report explains the finance management practices done by both the companies. Proportion has been asked to investigate the financial performance of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust's university hospital. According to the latest show of this company, both finance and non-finance have been analyzed. A comparative analysis has been done for both organisations based on their impact on finance management practices, external business environment and health delivery and care facilities. A reflective analysis forms a concise report on future career goals and the types of goals and objectives to be achieved which forms an integral part of the report.

What We Cover In This Unit

Part 1 Case Study Report   

 A. Financial Performance and Position of the Company    
           a. Organizational Contextof University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHSTrust    
           b. Financial Analysis and Interpretation    
                    -> Liquidity ratios   
                    ->Profitability ratios    
                    ->Efficiency ratios    
                    ->Capital structure ratios    
          c. Performance Interpretation and Qualitative Measures    
          d. SWOT Analysis    
          e. Recommendations    

B. Comparative Analysis    
          a. Organizational Context of Indus Hospital & Health Network    
          b. Practices of Financial Management    
                 -> Comparison of Practices of Financial Management between Indus Hospital & Health Network and University Hospitals of Morecambe Bay NHS Trust    
                 -> Impact on Quality of Delivery and Care    
                 -> PESTLE Analysis    

Part 2: Critical reflection    

1. Reflection on feedback and contribution to formative feedback and group presentation    
2. Future career goals and action plan on learning

For your information, this is just an overview of the assignment and for its detailed information, you will need to log in. So go and complete this case study as soon as possible.

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