Category | Report | Subject | Management |
University | University of Huddersfield | Module Title | BMO0273 Fundamentals of Leadership |
The art of influencing and guiding others toward a common organizational goal and shared collective vision is called leadership. Leadership involves motivating, inspiring and empowering individuals or groups within an organization to achieve goals shared by all its members. Competence (Wu, 2020). Effective leadership that takes leadership a step further is the ability to deliver superior results and sustain growth. Effective leadership does not only mean giving orders but also demonstrating impeccable communication skills. The willingness to adapt to diverse situations and challenges and strategic thinking also require empathy on the part of the leader (Edelman, Boen, & Fransen, 2020). Leaders contribute to cooperation in the organization, helping to build trust among workers and creating an environment positive that makes people feel valued and supported. Exhibiting integrity and embracing diversity are some of the key factors that help an organization move forward. Achieving success in the organization through a committed and motivated team.
Following are the Key areas that are included in report
1. Power and Influence as Leaders
2. Legitimate Power Base
3. Leadership Communication
4. Leadership and Motivating Others
5. Leadership and Emotional Intelligence
6. Conclusion
7. Reference List
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