Category | PPT | Subject | Management |
University | University College Birmingham | Module Title | 2171 MSc Enterprise Management Risk Register |
In this Sample, you will learn to craft an MSc Enterprise Management Presentation Fastbee based on an organisation of the student's choice. To complete this Presentation, you will need to present a chosen organisation's situational analysis creating an MSc Enterprise Management Presentation.
Create a recording presenting a risk register (using the case study provided) to identify and prioritise risks and how to minimise and mitigate the potential risks to the company.
We will present a Fastbee risk assessment for the company (we will identify at least eight risks and appropriately justify your choice when categorising/prioritising them and present suitable risk responses and recommendations to minimise these risks). A template for the Fastbee risk assessment will be provided.
Focus on attention to detail, quality of work and overall academic standards.
Referencing – Ensure you pay attention to the accuracy, extent, currency, presentation and quality of references. At least 30 references across different sources are expected. The currency and triangulation of references (cross-referencing information to add further justification of points) are critical.
For additional guidance on this assignment, please access the assignment vodcast available on Canvas.
Analyse the theory, techniques and frameworks to minimise risk and maximise options.
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