ULMS790 Strategy, Planning and Implementation Dissertation Handbook | University of Liverpool

Published: 19 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Management
University University of Liverpool Module Title ULMS790 Strategy, Planning and Implementation

Module Aims and Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze ambiguous information and make reasoned judgements and recommendations within a dynamic and changing environment.

  • ​Research and present convincing and reasoned arguments to formulate solutions for strategic action.

  • ​Select and apply appropriate models, frameworks or tools to provide critical analysis of a business case.

  • Demonstrate critical awareness of current research in business and management through independent analysis of a relevant business case.

Summary of Assessment: 

This is an opportunity to engage in a meaningful piece of work concerned with a specific topic of interest to display to onward academic institutions or employers a degree of mastery and excellence regarding a specific topic.

Your chosen topic, choice of approach, research question, method, structure of thesis etc. will be decided between you and your supervisor in one of four meetings (dates to be agreed with your supervisor).

More information is given in week one of ULMS719 and can be gleaned from attending the three dedicated lectures associated with ULMS790.

Tips for achieving good marks in assessments: To do well in your dissertation project you should read widely, consult all teaching material available, attend all lectures and work closely with your supervisor who will guide and support your progress.

Students are asked to note that the word count is the absolute upper limit. There is no leeway over this, i.e. you will be penalised if you submit work that exceeds the word limit (the suggestion that you may exceed the word count by 10% is a myth!). Something to note is that the word count on Turnitin is not usually an accurate reflection of an assignment's word count, and is likely to be higher than the Microsoft Word word count.  This should be considered when determining if penalties for exceeding the word count should be imposed. It is recommended that you ask students to submit assignments as Word documents as this will then allow you to download their original submission (i.e. the Word file) and accurately check the word count in Word. This should be done after you have marked the assignment anonymously as you must deanonymize the assignment in order to download it. As the norm for ULMS regarding assignments is “first and final”, students will have no way of resubmitting should they breach the word count as calculated by Turnitin.

The following are not included in word counts:

  • Reference lists/bibliographies and question titles
  • Appendices/footnotes - provided these have been used only when necessary. If appendices or footnotes are used excessively, or contain material which should clearly be included in the main body of the essay/report, it is at the markers’ discretion to include these in the word count.
  • Tables/graphs - provided these have been imported from elsewhere (correctly referenced) and not produced by the student.
  • Contents pages and front pages of reports
  • As well as the essay/report itself, the following are included in word counts:
  • Citations/quotations - this includes the material paraphrased/quoted itself as well as the name, date and page information.
    Tables and graphs - if they have been produced by the student.
  • Executive summaries in reports - unless otherwise stated.

Assessment Criteria

Planning and Research Design

  • Clarity and validity of research objectives
  • Clarity of research design.
  • Relationship between the research question and chosen methodologies.
  • Effectiveness of methods employed.


  • Comprehensiveness and relevance of the literature review.
  • Validity and reliability of empirical research methods.
  • Quality and relevance of research data.


  • Application of theoretical understanding to support analysis.
  • Quality of analysis generated.
  • The relationship between the findings, literature review and objectives.
  • Coherence, Cogency and Structure/Organisation
  • Coherence of the dissertation structure, writing and presentation.  Referencing/bibliography.
  • The extent to which the dissertation logically and coherently examines the subject with sufficient breadth and depth.
  • Clarity and consistency of the conclusions with the data and original research question.

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