PUB010-6/STI011-6 Assignment Deatails

Published: 13 Mar, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Education
University University of Bedfordshire Module Title PUB010-6/STI011-6 Dissertation

Assignment Requirements

You are required to identify a current public health-related research issue in an area of personal or professional interest and write a dissertation of 10,000-12,000 words in length, excluding references, bibliography, and appendices (choose one):

  • Primary study (quantitative or qualitative live projects)
  • Review
  • Systematic review (answers a focused review question to uncover evidence, confirm practices, inform research, resolve conflicts, and guide decisions)
  • Scoping review (identifies evidence, clarifies concepts, prepares for systematic review, and analyses knowledge gaps)
  • Rapid review (quickly synthesises evidence for stakeholders efficiently)
  • Narrative review (provides an overview or summary of the literature on the topic)
  • Health service development or service evaluation
  • Scientific research article (Only produce a manuscript that is of publishable quality based on the target journal’s author guidelines. (You are not required to submit to a journal for publication.)

The dissertation provides you with an opportunity to demonstrate the skills and abilities you have acquired during the taught element of the degree to develop a substantial research project. You will be expected to draw upon your knowledge and understanding of public health to provide a clear and detailed rationale for your chosen research topic, which demonstrates a critical appreciation of relevant literature that has been identified by a systematic and sustained search process. You will demonstrate comprehensive knowledge of a research method appropriate to your research aims and objectives and show the skills necessary to undertake ethically compliant research to produce insightful results that are well-organised and presented. The discussion of your results should involve a synthesis of your findings with the existing literature and research to demonstrate the fulfilment of your research aims and to provide a critical understanding of their wider policy and practical implications.

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Learning Outcomes

1. Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding:

  • Theoretical and methodological knowledge to design an applied research study in an area of professional and scientific interest.

2. Demonstrate the following skills and abilities:

  • The ability to successfully conduct an applied research study ethically and to generate innovative findings that can make an impact on population health and well-being.

Assignment Brief Discussion with Students

The assessment brief must be discussed during an in-class session with students within the first 2 weeks of the unit and be accompanied by a screen/podcast on the BREO shell explaining the assessment, the rubric and marking criteria.


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