BMP6001 Dissertation Brief, Semester 1- The University of Bolton

Published: 14 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Business
University University of Bolton Module Title BMP6001 Dissertation Assessment
Assessment Type Dissertation Semester/ Module number 1 & 2/ BMP
Word Count 8,000 words Session 2023-24

Assessment Brief:

Write a dissertation of 8000 words (±10%). Your dissertation is a structured report on the process and outcomes of a significant piece of independent research. In this you will examine the context of your research to provide motivation for your work; you will clarify the aims and objectives of your proposed research; demonstrate critical engagement with key areas of relevant literature, using this to develop an initial conceptual framework; you will present and justify the theoretical perspective underpinning your proposed research approach, contrasting this with alternative perspectives, and use this to inform the systematic development of your research design; you will present and discuss your findings and their implications, and consider the limitations of your proposed approach; you will also reflect on your contributions and to what extent your proposed objectives were met. 

Dissertations follow a standard format; a proforma with guidelines, structure, and formatting requirements will be available on Moodle. An indication of the main structure and contents is given below.

Learning Outcomes Assessed:

LO1: Identify an appropriate research topic and formulate appropriate objectives.
LO3: Produce a critical literature review and research methodology
LO4: Undertake primary research and critically appraise the results.
LO5: Synthesise research findings and make informed judgements in the light of


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