MMM2058 -Flight Actuator Control Design: Aircraft Dynamics and Control Coursework 3 Brief

Published: 17 Mar, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Engineering
University University of Nottingham Module Title MMM2058 Aircraft Dynamics and Control

MMME2058 – Aircraft Mechanics and Control Coursework 3 – Flight Actuator Control Design

The rolling motion of an aircraft is governed by the aileron deflection, which generates a rolling moment. The role dynamics can be approximated as a first-order or second-order system (as discussed in the lecture).

An aircraft rolling dynamics is shown in Figure 1, assuming J (m2kg)is the moment of inertia in roll dynamics; λ (Nms/rad) is the air resistant torque coefficient; δ is the disturbance torque, c(t) (Nm) is the control torque provided by aileron deflection. The required roll rate is ω_ref (rad/s). 

                                                                        MMM2058 Flight Actuator Control Design

  • Derive your specific plant model (with the parameters given) of the aircraft roll dynamics with the c(t) as inputs and the roll rate ω (rad/s) as output.
  • Develop the transfer function of the derived aircraft roll dynamics
  • Design a PID controller to regulate the roll rate and validate your design in the Matlab/Simulink environment with the required roll rate p_ref 
  • Discussion of the Kp, Ki impacts on your system with simulation results
  • Develop the control block diagram in Laplace form
  • Assess the system performance in terms of rise time, overshoot, and steady-state error. 

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Learning Outcomes

LO1 - Define and characterise the dynamic response of aircraft.
LO2 - - Represent and analyse an aerospace system in linearized form.
LO3 - Conduct practical investigations of aircraft dynamics to accurately characterise flight modes
LO4 Demonstrate understanding of control system theory when applied to aerospace-related problems.
LO5 - Use the principles of control theory to construct analyses of aerospace systems to achieve desirable response characteristics

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