Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence Assignment Task

Published: 15 Mar, 2025
Category Coursework Subject Business
University Coventry University Module Title Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence

Assignment Task 

Based on an industry/business sector of your choice, select an appropriate company for analysis of how Business Analysis and Data Science/AI principles can be used as decision support systems and, further, it could be used to help in their business operations and goals. This case study analysis will form the basis of your first assignment for 7076CEM and is worth 5 credits of the module mark.    

The coursework submission is in two parts:    

  • Part A will be a group presentation.    
  • Part B will be an individual report.     


The primary format of this assignment will be a presentation, and it should be completed in your group. Your presentation should last no more than 20 minutes. As part of your presentation, you will be required to present a business analysis, application of BA and DS/AI tools and techniques, as recommendations for their use as a Decision Support System.    

Your presentation should incorporate the following elements:    

1. Business Information   

  • The background of the company.  
  • The industry sector: the main competitors to the company in the sector; the position of the company in the market about performance and scale of its operations compared to its competitors.  
  • The products or services provided by the company and their main selling points are compared with similar products/services from its competitors.   

2. Additional Information    
Select a problem that needs to be addressed or an improvement that could be made and use what you’ve learnt in this module to suggest a solution – emphasis will be on the steps taken as opposed to the solution itself.    
3. For higher marks: 
An assessment as to the requirements for your chosen company for them to remain competitive in the future given the industry-specific pressures. (Think future data as opposed to current data, for example) 
4. Style, structure and presentation: 
The presentation should be properly structured, using a variety of presentation modes (visual aids, for example). Assume you are presenting to board members of the company and should be written and styled appropriately for managers at this level.


A report (500 words) documenting critical reflection on the contribution you made to the group project, critical learnings, and the value of data in making business decisions.   

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Marking Criteria


  • The background of the company.    
  • The industry sector; the main competitors to the company in the sector; the position of the company in the market about performance; and scale of its operations about its competitors  
  • The products or services provided by the company and their main selling points compared with similar products/services from its competitors    
  • Select a problem that needs to be addressed or an improvement that could be made and use what you’ve learnt in this module to suggest a solution – emphasis will be on the steps taken as opposed to the solution itself.   

  • An assessment as to the requirements for your chosen company in order for them to remain competitive in the future given the industry-specific pressures.    


(500 WORDS)   


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