Category | Coursework | Subject | Managment |
University | Aberystwyth University | Module Title | BRM5120 Grassland Science Coursework |
Review and evaluate the development of new forage crops for use in pasture-based systems.
Evaluate the influence of management and environment on pasture composition and critically appraise forage cropping programmes.
Critically evaluate the potential for current research in grassland and forage crop production and utilisation to provide alternative methods of livestock feeding.
Specified assessment criteria will be used to evaluate your submitted coursework. The criteria used for this piece of work will include:
Evaluation, Communication, Data presentation
A full description of each of the assessment criteria, including the different levels of attainment (between 0 and 100%) are available in the Department of Life Sciences Undergraduate Information DEPT-I-UG-O folder on Blackboard.
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