COMP1858 Data Structures and Algorithms, Assignment Sample, University of Greenwich, UK

Published: 03 Jan, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University University of Greenwich Module Title COMP1858 Data Structures and Algorithms


Data Structures and Algorithms is a crucial module in Computing, with broad applications across science and industry. The course provides students with both theoretical foundations and practical skills for designing and developing software solutions that manipulate a variety of data structures. It covers well-known algorithms that process these data structures, with opportunities to design, implement, and test them during laboratory sessions. Students will also improve and refine algorithms to solve advanced, real-world data-driven challenges.

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We Cover All Learning Outcome of This Unit

COMP1858 Assignment Task 1: Demonstrate detailed understanding of various data structures and the corresponding algorithms, which manipulate them.

COMP1858 Task 2. Design, develop and test software solutions, which successfully process a wide range of data structures by employing various algorithms.

COMP1858 Task 3. Further develop well-established algorithms into advanced software solutions that solve real-world data-related problems. 

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