Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disability Workbook Answers

Published: 07 Jan, 2025
Category Care Certificate Answers Subject Nursing
University Care Certificate Module Title Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disability Workbook Answers

Course – Care Certificate Workbook Answers NVQ/RQF/QCF

About This Standard

Care Certificate, Standard 9 highlights mental health awareness, dementia, and learning disabilities. This standard guides how a healthcare worker should identify each patient's mental and emotional needs. Health workers need to understand the mental health problems of disordered patients such as anxiety, depression, and bipolar can badly affect their daily lives.

Dementia is a kind of mental disease that impacts badly on the memory, thinking power, and behavior of its patient. People who are suffering from this condition need patience, empathy, and specialized care. Getting more knowledge about these disabilities can also give you more information about mental and emotional understanding, irritating communication, and can leave a positive impact on daily tasks and the health of dementia patients.

Through this standard, health professionals are taught to identify the specific needs of each individual and to provide person-centered care. It is also important to understand that any discrimination should be avoided and then the patient will feel that dignity and rights are respected.  Health professionals can improve the mental health of patients with proper communication, active listening, and patience.
Here are all the learning outcomes of this standard with their assessment criteria. 

Care Certificate Standard 9.1 Answers:  Understand the Needs and Experiences of People with Mental Health Conditions, Dementia, or Learning Disabilities

Care Certificate 9.1a Answers:  How Someone May Feel if They Have Mental Health Conditions, Dementia, or Learning Disabilities
Care Certificate 9.1b Answers: Explain how these conditions may influence a person’s needs in relation to the care that they may require.
Care Certificate 9.1c Answers: Explain why it is important to understand that the causes and support needs are different for people with mental health conditions, dementia, and learning disabilities. 

Care Certificate Standard 9.2 Answers:  Understand the importance of promoting positive health and wellbeing for an individual who may have a mental health condition, dementia or learning disability 

Care Certificate 9.2a Answers: Explain how positive attitudes towards those with mental health conditions, dementia or learning disabilities will improve the care and support they receive
Care Certificate 9.2b Answers: Describe the social model of disability and how it underpins positive attitudes towards disability and involving people in their own care. 

Care Certificate Standard 9.3 Answers:  Understand the adjustments which may be necessary in care delivery relating to an individual who may have a mental health condition, dementia or learning disability 

Care Certificate 9.3a Answers: Describe what adjustments might need to be made to the way care is provided if someone has
Care Certificate 9.3b Answers: Describe how to report concerns associated with any unmet needs which may arise from mental health conditions, dementia or learning disability through agreed ways of working. 

Care Certificate Standard 9.4 Answers:  Understand the importance of early detection of mental health conditions, dementia and learning disabilities      

Care Certificate 9.4a Answers: Explain why early detection of mental health needs, dementia or learning disability is important
Care Certificate 9.4b Answers: Give examples of how and why adjustments to care and support might need to be made when a mental health condition, dementia or learning disability is identified. 

Care Certificate Standard 9.5 Answers:  Understand  legal frameworks, policy and guidelines relating to mental health conditions, dementia and learning disabilities     

Care Certificate 9.5a Answers: List the main requirements of legislation and policies that are designed to promote the human rights, inclusion, equal life chances and citizenship of individuals with mental health conditions, dementia or learning disabilities
Care Certificate 9.5b Answers: Explain how the legislation and policies listed may affect the day-to-day experiences of individuals with mental health needs, dementia or learning disabilities and their families 

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Do you need help with your Standard 9: Awareness of Mental Health, Dementia, and Learning Disability Workbook Answers? Our team provides expert assistance for completing the Care Certificate workbook answers with a focus on critical areas like mental health awareness, dementia care, and supporting individuals with learning disabilities. Our writers cover key aspects to ensure you understand person-centred approaches and apply best practices. We also offer support with Care Certificate answers, ensuring your responses meet the required standards. You can also find the sample solution of Standard 5: Work in a person centred way that is written by our experienced team Let us help you complete your workbook with confidence and gain a deeper understanding of these vital care topics.

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