Category | Coursework | Subject | Management |
University | University of Huddersfield | Module Title | BMO0273 Fundamentals of Leadership |
Leadership can be defined as the ability to direct, influence, and coordinate people for a common purpose. It means defining a long-term goal, selecting goals and priorities, and creating conditions to engage people to achieve goals. They set the pace on how one should be committed and be answerable to duties and responsibilities. Leaders also keep up with problems, make appropriate decisions, and foster a healthy organizational climate. He/she actively solicits feedback and works to make modifications in the leadership process when necessary. Thus, effective leadership improves organizational performance by channeling personal and group objectives towards the mission and vision. The reward power in this method where the manager has the choice to provide ‘carrots’ or incentives that could be tangible or intangible is useful in leadership processes under some conditions (Siniver, 2022).
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