Category | Coursework | Subject | Management |
University | University of Strathclyde | Module Title | HR961 Contemporary Employment Relations Coursework |
In this unit, we will know what the objectives of the change programme in Charity X are and how the broader external trends in social care and public services drove this strategy. Referring to the literature, is Charity X unique among organisations in the sector in terms of market pressures and its solution to these? What were the causes of the tensions between management and UNISON and the decision by the former to derecognise the latter? What were the benefits and risks for management in taking its decision to derecognise? Did the decision to derecognise follow management decisions in other derecognition cases from the literature? Causes of Tensions Between Management and UNISON. What happened to union membership throughout the case study? Does Mobilisation theory help us understand the rise in union membership and shop steward numbers during the peak of the crisis? Explain your answer. Union Membership Trends: Analysing The Rise through the Mobilisation Theory Advantages of Growth of Membership and Stewardship Reference.
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