Category | Coursework | Subject | Finance |
University | University of Huddersfield (UOH) | Module Title | BMA0097 International Finance |
In this assignment, we will talk about the important topic in International Finance—the operations of Multinational Corporations (MNCs), their risk exposure, and their risk management strategies. First, we will understand how foreign exchange rates are decided and what impact they have on the business of MNCs. Then, we will understand exchange rate risk in detail—how fluctuations in currency value affect MNCs' profits and overall financial stability.
Next, we will discuss internal and external hedging techniques that companies use to manage their financial risks. We will focus on internal techniques such as netting, leading & lagging and external techniques such as forward contracts, options, futures, and swaps. We will see what impact international finance techniques have on business organizations and how these techniques help in decision-making. This discussion will help you analyze global financial risks and find solutions for them.
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