Higher Business Assignment Marking Scheme
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In today's modern academic environment, originality is crucial because plagiarism is using someone else's work without acknowledgment which causes low grades in assignments. So, how do you make a plagiarism-proof assignment? Let's unlock this step in this article step by step.
Plagiarism is when you take content or present someone's ideas, words, or works as your own. It is wrong to take something from someone else. It is not just about copying, it encompasses unethical practices.
The topic should be unique because it sparks interest and reduces the chances of accidental plagiarism.
You should use some brainstorming techniques that are engaging in brainstorming sessions, mind mapping, and free writing that are used for generating unique ideas.
In this step, you will have to research original ideas by diving into existing literature to find gaps or unexplored angles that you can mention in your assignment.
To conduct thorough research, you will have to consult books, academic journals, reputable websites, and interviews so that you can get diverse perspectives.
While researching, keep all relevant details for each piece of information and document your sources properly.
While researching, ensure that the sources should be up-to-date and credible. Because up-to-date sources strengthen the assignment's foundation.
While writing an assignment, you should learn about the difference between paraphrasing and quoting. Paraphrasing means rewriting ideas in your own words while quoting means using exact words with quotation marks.
To make writing easier, you should categorize the notes by theme or section.
To organize and store your notes efficiently, you can use Evernote or OneNote.
Whatever you have chosen perspective and style, should be reflected in your writing voice so that it can be unique.
You should structure your assignment by creating a clear outline with an introduction, body, or conclusion.
You should craft original arguments on your interpretations and analysis not just on what others have said.
It would be best if you familiarized yourself with the citation style that is required for the assignment.
From where you are picking the information, give credit to sources within your text.
At the end of your assignment, please mention all the sources in the proper format.
To ensure your work whether it is original or plagiarised, use the plagiarism checkers to identify unintentional plagiarism.
The popular plagiarism tools Turnitin, Grammarly, and Copyscape are widely used.
You should also learn to understand the plag report to make necessary adjustments.
Paraphrasing means not just changing a few words. It means properly rephrasing ideas in a new way.
Make sure that there is a balance between the sources with your analysis and insights.
To avoid accidental plagiarism, always adhere to citation rules.
To make your assignment the best, get feedback from your classmates to avoid any overlooked issues.
After getting feedback from your classmates, use your tutor's comments to improve your work.
Based on the feedback from classmates or teachers, revise your assignment.
In your writing, honesty and transparency should be.
Honor Codes play a pivotal role in the assignment. Therefore understand the honor code and follow your institution's honor code.
Always maintains integrity because it builds a strong academic and professional reputation.
Always make sure that you have multiple drafts that help refine your ideas and arguments.
Everyone faces common errors in the assignments so please make sure that there should be common errors like typos, grammatical mistakes, and incorrect citations.
Before submitting the assignment, go to the last step which is called final checks in which you have to perform a thorough review to ensure quality.
Many schools offer writing centers that provide valuable assistance. You can go with writing centers that are offered by the many schools.
You can also get help from the online writing communities that are called assignment help. Currently, Workingment is the leading platform in every country that offers quality work with their expertise. Students keep Workingment on prior to getting help regarding their assignments. Workingment has done thousands of assignments for all universities.
You can also use academic databases for scholarly and reliable sources.
The conclusion is that everyone should create a plagiarism proof assignment but they don't know how to create a plagiarism proof assignment that involves understanding plagiarism, choosing unique topics conducting thorough research, and reviewing proper citations.
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