Global Strategy and Sustainability, Assignment Sample, BPP University

Published: 26 Nov, 2024
University:   BPP University Programme: MSc Management 
Module Global Strategy and Sustainability  Type : assignment 

This module equips students with the tools to deeply analyze and develop strategies for global business expansion and sustainability. Major points of this course include evaluating Dyson's external and internal environments using relevant models, looking at the motives behind growth in other countries’ markets such as Europe, Africa, the Middle East, and Asia, and suggesting strategic options for growth. Students will assess Dyson's supply chain strategies, corporate methods like outsourcing and strategic alliances, and corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives. The module also highlights the moral considerations in strategic decision-making, enabling students to propose acceptable growth strategies and improve stakeholder engagement for global success.

Also make sure this sample is provided as just an example of samples we made, to get the original one register today to get connected with us!

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