How to Write a Bibliography for an Assignment

16 Jan, 2025
Author : James Thornton

Key Takeaways

  • Learn what exactly a bibliography is and its impact on your assignment.
  • Types of bibliography used in the writing and its usage in different writeups.
  • There are three types of reference writing styles that you can use in different write-ups.
  • There is someone who can help you to write your assignments perfectly.

Writing a well-researched and good assignment could be a tough task for many of you as it is not just a writing piece but it is more like a skill. You need to go through many sources to make your assignment valid and trustworthy. While you use information from different sources it is also required to give credit to these sources, which is why you need to write a bibliography. There are multiple formats and multiple types of bibliography. In this blog, you will be going to clear all your doubts and queries related to the bibliography, and why it is crucial for your academics.

What is a Bibliography? 

An assignment can’t be done without any help, one must go through several resources such as previous research, books, or any other available resource. Listing these resources is named as a bibliography in any assignment. One can add any kind of resource here whether it be journals, research papers, articles, thesis, documentary, etc. 

A bibliography gives you strong content and well-researched data for your assignment. This not only gives you a good assignment but provides a deeper knowledge as well. It showcases your interest and curiosity in the sight of your professor. Bibliography is the last impression that showcases your interest and for your first impression you must know how to write an assignment first page which includes the introduction, front page, and cover page for setting a good first impression as it will impact your assignment in the best way. 

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How Bibliography Can Impact on the Performance of Your Assignment

The bibliography plays a pivotal role when we talk about the assignments it demonstrates how much a student or a writer has researched to prepare the assignment. Furthermore, it gives credit to the honored writers who have done research and provided the information. Thus a student or a writer needs to be on point to match all the parameters. Whether it be your overall writing, structure, fonts, header or footer, or the bibliography these all impact accordingly.

Students seek essential tips for help with writing assignments that can save them before falling. Writing a perfect assignment and a well-written bibliography is what every student wants. Knowing all the key points to write an impeccable assignment is tough for a student who does not write so much, or is not into the field of writing.

This is why students need services where they can get their assignments done by experts with the all-right format and information in the paper. So students can utilize their time to study. Many students who are already studying and have no time to write their assignments are aware that what are the benefits of online assignment writing help and they are enjoying these benefits. 

How Many Types of BibliogrArey are Used in an Assignment? 

There are in total seven types of bibliographies used in writing assignments but most people use three major kinds of bibliography. One is the Enumerative bibliography, the second is analytical and the last is an annotated bibliography. 

Enumerative Bibliography

An enumerative bibliography is concise in the writing pattern and a bit direct. Starting from the author’s name followed by a title and ending with a year of publication. It is based on the basics of the reference and not on the detailed and lengthy. 

Analytical Bibliography

This writing style of bibliography is different from the enumerative bibliography this is a little expanded one in comparison to the enumerative one. This consists of all the details, the book’s publication, booksellers, source of the publication even the name of the printer used. Overall it provides in-depth information about the reference. 

Annotated Bibliography

Annotated Bibliography is a bit different as it incorporates It consists of an author’s work on the matter of subject or particular topic. Furthermore, in an annotated bibliography, you will find detailed work just followed by the writer's inspiration or whatever article or writeup has taken for collecting the information. 

How to write a Bibliography for different types of write-ups

Students or writers can write a bibliography for their write-ups such as websites, research papers, dissertations, journals, etc. Below you can find the briefs about how to write a bibliography for specific requirements.

Bibliography writing for a Dissertation

In a dissertation it works a bit differently it starts with the actual name of the author and then writes the title of the dissertation. Following this write the name of the publisher while incorporating the name of the place where the dissertation was published and the data of publishing. Along with this if you have taken information from multiple pages then mention all the page numbers.  

Bibliography writing for a Research Paper 

Writing a bibliography for a research paper is quite common and students from a writing background are mostly aware of the pattern but those who do not write things usually should also know about this. First start with the author’s name then the date on which it was published. Following this write the publisher name, website URL, volume, and page number you have referred the particular information.

Bibliography writing for a Website

To write a bibliography specifically for any website, use the following format:
Start with the writer's or author’s name who wrote the content followed by this write the date of publishing and the year when it was particularly uploaded on the website after that write the page title in italic font, the name of the particular website or the date you have visited the website while keeping in mind this should be in URL in brackets.

Bibliography Writing for a Journal

While writing the journal’s bibliography one needs to initiate with the author’s name as usual followed by the first name, publishing year, and title of the article in a single inverted commas. After that ending up with the journal’s volume, issue number, and lately the page number. 

Difference between the Bibliography, Works Cited, and References

After completing an assignment one should have to list their references at the end page of the assignment. Now one needs to choose the style in which they have to write the references, so how to decide which style is correct as per your assignment? There is a difference between bibliography and reference. So it depends on the university and the country in which you are studying as it may vary accordingly. Below you can get information about all the styles.

MLA Works Cited

Modern Language Association(MLA) is commonly used in research papers or English literature kind of theoretical writing. How you write this correctly, usually states three things first, who wrote the work, second what is called, title and ends with where you find this copy. It is always written in Times New Roman, with a font size of 12. Below you will find an example of MLA style citation. 

Example: Nicholson, Brian, et al. “Special Issue: Digital Platforms for Development.” Information Systems Journal, vol. 31, no. 6, Aug. 2021, pp. 863–68.

APA Style Reference

American Psychological Association, this style of writing is usually used in social science papers, that include subjects like history, sociology, criminology, business, psychology, political science, etc. Below you can find the example of APA Style Reference.

Example: Bheekhun, N., Talib, A. R. A., & Hassan, M. R. (2013). Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 1–18. 

Chicago Style Bibliography Example

Chicago-style Bibliography is usually used in the fields like history and what has already happened. 

Example: Knutson, Jesse Ross. 2009. “The Cultures of History in Early Modern India: Persianization and Mughal Culture in Bengal.” Journal of Early Modern History 13 (4): 326–28.  

Steps to Write a Bibliography

Steps to Write a Bibliography

Now that we have encountered what is bibliography now have a look at the key steps  to write the bibliography to ease your writing: 

1. Select the sources

The initial step is to select the source, make sure to keep these points in your mind while selecting the source.

  • What is the purpose of the research on the particular topic you have selected? And what is the problem you will encounter in your research? 

  • What kind of sources you are looking for and from which platform online or offline?

  • Should I find the primary sources on my topic?

2. Assessment of each source

After the selection of sources, the next step is to evaluate the sources and why you need that particular source, if it is interesting in any term like theory, methods, or any information then you can explore that particular source.

  • Does the source you have picked explore new ways or any connecting point from which you can comprehend the research topic?

  • Make sure there is enough evidence related to the research topic so it can be strong and able to prove any statement. 

  • Check the methods and the concepts chosen to research on the topic is valuable enough. 

3. Check on the author's background and other credentials

When writing your content bibliography and searching for your sources make sure to check the author’s credentials and experience so you can assure the connectivity and reliability of the researched work. 

  • If the author has enough expertise related to your research topic then you can trust that particular source.

  • Search if you find any author’s credentials in both things critical and academic and get the reviews on the research work done by the author.

  • What is the intellectual brain of the author and the thought he belongs to?  

4. Write a summary for each source you have picked (Optional)

After overseeing the following questions that guide you don’t forget the summarising steps. 

Usually, you can find the summary in two places: one in the introduction and the other in the conclusion. If one can’t find it anywhere one can’t get satisfaction from the content of research you are doing. 

  • Find the core ideas and terminologies.

  • How is all the content organised? What are the essential sections?

  • How does an author use the theory to interpret the information and proofs? And is the claim mentioned in the research proved in the content or not? 

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This blog provides you with all the essential knowledge about the bibliography and the writing tips for your field of study assignment.  Here you can get an understanding of different types of bibliographies that are used in universities. Other than this blog has also discussed the difference between the Bibliography, work cited, and reference, do not make the mistake of considering all of them the same, they are explained in this blog using examples.

Overall, even after getting admission to one of the best universities, there are only a few writing services that provide the best assignment writing services or the experts who offer the correct information about all the writing fundamentals. As you have understood in this blog every style has a different format and needs to be followed. 

Frequently asked questions

A bibliography is a list of references from where you have taken help whether it be your article, thesis, research paper, book, etc. It compiles all the references in a specific style such as MLA, APA, or Chicago style.

To write your assignment’s bibliography in MLA format you need to list all your sources in alphabetical order starting from the author’s name and title. Initialized for books, in quotes for articles, then publisher and its publishing date. Make sure to add a URL if the reference source is online.  For example: Nicholson, Brian, et al. “Special Issue: Digital Platforms for Development.” Information Systems Journal, vol. 31, no. 6, Aug. 2021, pp. 863–68.

While writing any bibliography keep these core points in your mind, first choose the right citation style according to your assignment needs. List all the sources, including details like author name, title, publisher, publishing date, and page numbers. Ensure the correct formatting as it can directly affect your assignment’s performance, italicize titles of books and journals, and use quotation marks for articles. Organize alphabetically by author's last name. A well-organized bibliography is key to your good scores.

To write your assignment’s bibliography in APA reference format, you need to list all your sources in this order, first the author’s last name and initials, followed by the year of publication.  wake sure you write the title in Italicized style if you are referring any books or journals. In case your reference is from an article then journal name, volume, issue, and page numbers. Make sure to add a URL if the reference source is online.  Example: Bheekhun, N., Talib, A. R. A., & Hassan, M. R. (2013). Aerogels in Aerospace: An Overview. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2013, 1–18.

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