U14886 Business & Tourism Management Reflective Writing

Published: 23 Nov, 2024
Category Essay Subject Business & Tourism Management
University Canterbury Christ Church University Module Title U14886 Understanding Customers

This assignment is made to understand consumer behavior in different business and marketing contexts, including tourism. This assignment will enable students to highlight the basic module and concept of understanding customers' purchasing behavior as customers. In this assignment, the target points are followed by experts’ experiences of two types of buying behaviors and personal experience in tourism then compared, evaluated, and made head or thrown into the light from conscious comprehension.

Module learning outcomes:

Module Outcome 1

Identify factors that influence consumer behaviour in different businesses and marketing contexts, including tourism

Module Outcome 2

Demonstrate understanding of contemporary consumer behaviour theories, concepts, and models and their application to specific contexts.

Module Outcome 3

Demonstrate practical implications of consumer behaviour theory in different business and marketing contexts, including tourism


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