3CO01 Business, Culture and Change in Context CIPD Level 3 Assignment Example, UK

Published: 15 Nov, 2024
Category CIPD Level 3 Assignments Subject Management
University Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development Module Title 3CO01: Business, culture, and change in context

About this unit

CIPD level 3 Business, Culture and Change should be considered a compulsory unit for CIPD students as this is the unit that aims to provide students with knowledge of changes that occur in the business world. This unit will cover the external factors that impact the working and understand how businesses are shaped due to the commercial and digital environment. This unit will also consider the role of people’s behavior on the culture of the organization and the ability to manage these changes effectively.  

Here we have provided you with various topics that belong to the Level 3 CIPD. While going through this you can find ideas for your CIPD assignment, no matter where you are pursuing your CIPD qualification you can take the mentioned topics and ideas. Other than this you can select topics and ideas for this unit for any type of assignment including, research paper, report writing, or any essay writing. This example will also help in understanding how you can write your assignment, and it will even help you understand the unit in a better way.

We cover following task in this sample:

To complete the task, you should provide a written response to each of the nine questions below. You should relate your answers to your own organisation or an organisation with which you are familiar, ideally one that you have worked for. The same organisation should be used for all nine answers.

  1. Examine two key external influences impacting or likely to impact the activities of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) (AC 1.1)
  2. Discuss the main business goal of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and why it is important for that organisation to plan how they will achieve the goal. (AC 1.2)
  3. Discuss the products and/or services of the organisation that you work for (or an organisation with which you are familiar) and discuss the organisation’s main customers. (AC 1.3) Technology has transformed workplaces and the people profession.
  4. Review how file sharing technology and video conferencing can be used to improve working practices and collaboration within the people profession in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 1.4)
    In 2023, a CIPD podcast asked the following question, ‘Has working remotely killed organisational culture?’ This topic is of interest in many organisations but before considering the impact of remote working on culture, it is important to understand what it meant by the term organisational culture.
  5. Define organisational culture and explain why it is important to foster an appropriate and effective workplace culture in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 2.1) 
  6. Explain how culture is part of a whole system and explain how people professionals’ work and actions could impact elsewhere in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 2.2)
    According to the CIPD’s Change Management factsheet, one driver of organisational change is economic downturn and challenging trading conditions. 
  7. Explain why it is important that organisational change driven by economic downturn and challenging trading conditions is planned, and effectively managed in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar). (AC 3.1)
  8. Explain the importance and role that could be played by people professionals in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) within change driven by economic downturn. (AC 3.2)
  9. Discuss how organisational change, driven by economic downturn, could impact people in your organisation (or an organisation with which you are familiar) in different ways. (AC 3.3)

Remember this is just overview of task we included in sample, to view the complete document please fill the form and access the document for free.

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