National 5 Modern Studies Assignment: Topics, Research Sheet, Template, Examples

16 Oct, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

National 5 Qualification has various subjects including mathematics, English, science, social studies, Languages, technological studies, arts, health and wellbeing, and business education. National 5 is a qualification exam that is been offered by the Scottish government. The motive of introducing this was to provide exposure to the various subjects to the student. In case you want to explore more bout this, you are right place. This blog will help you out with information related to what is national 5, and what is SQA Modern Studies National 5 assignment. To give you complete information regarding this, examples, templates, and a research sheet that is to be used for this are mentioned as well. For more exposure and good grades in this assignment look for the 7 reasons to use an assignment writing service, as it will help you in both things. 

Key Points 

  • National 5 is an extra qualification criteria that is handled by the Scottish Qualification Authority (SQA). 
  • National 5 holds many subjects including mathematics, English, languages, social studies, business, and the one we will be talking Modern studies. 
  • For your assignment you are given a Research sheet by SQA only, make sure you use that only. 
  • The examples mentioned below will help you in properly understanding things, as examples help in better understanding. 
  • Topics for National 5 modern studies assignment that can help you in selecting the right topic for your assignment. 
  • Make sure you follow the right template for completing your assignment for perfect assignment, mentioned below.

What is National 5?

National 5 is the Scottish qualification criteria. This comes under the Scottish credit qualification framework (SCQF). Further, this is compared to the general certificate of secondary education (GCSE) in Wales, England, and Northern Ireland.

This is one of the most important bases of the Scottish education system. This helps students gain essential skills and knowledge for further studies, employment, and development training. Before this, there was National 4, all these qualifications have prepared students for their future studies. This provides students with a strong foundation for their higher education, this also helps them with future employment and training as it will enhance their skills.

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SQA national 5 Modern Studies Assignment

The SQA National 5 Modern Studies Assignment, is the assignment on the subject of modern studies that helps students explore fields like international issues, and social and political in a more proper detailed way. This subject holds 20% of your total final grades. For this assignment, students look to select the best topic that may help them in using both the research primary and secondary with complete independence. This assignment includes discussing the aim, research methods, discussion, analysis, and conclusion of the topic. You won't understand why it is better to hire an assignment writer for such an assignment until you look for the advantages of hiring assignment writers UK. 

To achieve good grades student must showcase their understanding of these topics as well, as simply mentioning everything that is already published won't help them achieve good grades. Students need to make sure that their assignment provides results with a new perspective. They should use their critical thinking skills while writing their assignments. This article is written in around 800 to 1200 words. 

National 5 Modern Studies Assignment Research Sheet

The research sheet that is to be used for Modern studies in National 5 is provided by SQA (Scottish qualification authority). You can also seek help from the best assignment writing services to understand this more. Below is the research sheet that is provided by SQA:- 

Modern Studies National 5 assignment
Research Sheet

Candidate Name


Scottish Candidate Number




National 5 Modern Studies Assignment Examples 

For the subject modern studies of National 5 here are some examples that may help you understand the concept and give a hint of some topics and the way they must be presented in your assignments. Make sure you know 10 game-changing tips on how to write an assignment.  Modern study is a subject that mostly talks about political, social, and internal issues. 

Below are some examples to help you understand more about this. 

Aim: This topic aims to analyze all such factors that influence the young generation to engage more in politics through social media. 

Research method: For this, you must go through the previously published article; ls on this, many newspaper articles must be seen as well. Collect the data that explain social media usage by youngsters during the election period, and analyze these data and information. (You can also discuss the article published by the Times on the Role that social media plays in Brexit) 

Note: For better results make sure you know how to write a good assignment without plagiarism. 

Key questions: 

  • Does social media help in increasing the participation of young people in politics? 

  • Fake news and misinformation spread in social media affect political opinion. 

2. Effects of Scottish Government Policies on Child Poverty. 

Aim: Explain the effects that the Scottish government policies are having on reducing child poverty in Scotland. 

Research method: Go through the statistical data of several years, and go through the related publications. Also, you need to analyze different case studies as they will provide more reality. 

Note: Always make sure you know the tips that should be kept in mind while writing your assignment. 

Key questions: 

  • Discuss the recent child poverty rate in Scotland. 

  • Is there any big change in child poverty because of these policies? 

3. Effects on Global Conflicts Due to the United Nations

Aim: The aim should be to explain the effectiveness of the United Nations in preventing current global conflict. 

Research methods: For this go with previously published news articles, statistics, and data regarding this. Also, discuss case studies like the UN reaction to Israel Vs Palestine and Russia Vs Ukraine. 

You can get help with your assignment by best help assignments online in the UK. 

Key question: 

  • Discuss the most successful and failed acts of the UN regarding solving the world conflict. 

  • Discuss the challenges that are faced by the UN in solving global conflicts. 

National 5 Modern Studies Assignment Topics

Modern studies have different fields in which we have different options for various topics that can be selected by us. Here are some examples of the same below: 

  • Discuss different ideologies related to politics
  • The power that political parties hold
  • Scotland's parliamentary system
  • Nationalism, liberalism, and socialism. 
  • Scotland'democratic society. 

You can seek help from a good assignment helper as well for selecting a topic for your assignment. 

National 5 Modern studies topics for Social issues. 

  • Increase in obesity in Scotland
  • Enduring social issues in the United Kingdoms
  • Reason for health inequality in the country
  • Drug abuse and alcohol abuse on people
  • effects on living communities and families due to terrorism 

Higher Modern Studies Assignment Example on International Issues

  • Effect on the country's economy due to terrorism
  • effects of increase in internet issues on the safety of youth and children
  • Concerns over the aging of the world population 
  • Establishments of the harmony between warring nations 
  • Explain the term Wave of Decolonization. 

For this subject, you can see help from international relations assignment help for achieving good grades. 

Higher Modern Studies Assignment Ideas on Law and Order

  • Reason for increase in crime rates 
  • The framework of the judiciary in the country
  • Different theories on punishments for criminals
  • Explain the way society is dealing with current growing crime rates. 
  • Scotland's police structure.  

National 5 Modern Studies Template 

National 5 modern studies assignment or even any other assignment shares the same standard template or we can same format for all the assignments. A research sheet will be provided to you the same. These assignment templates are similar to the normal assignment format. For more information, you can get help from even, the best and most affordable assignment help websites as they can help you in writing your assignment or providing guidance in case you want to write it yourself. 

Below is the template for the same: 

Title: (Start with the title of your assignment)

Just below this also mention the research question of your assignment. 

Introduction (Aim of your assignment)

Mention about what is the aim of your assignment. 

Research Methods

This is the part where you will explain the process of your research. This includes research method, that either you have used primary or secondary research and mention different sources from where you have collected the data. It is compulsory to seek essential tips for help with writing assignments to achieve good grades. 


Next is findings, in which you need to explain all the results/findings that you have gained with the help of research that you have conducted on the topic. If there is more than 1 finding mention that saw all, as you need to mention all the findings from your research. 


Then you need to analyze all the finds that you have received through your research. You need to direct all these findings into the way of your topic. You need to mention everything you have analyzed through these findings. Use this portion to answer questions like what results are shown from research, whether are there any fixed patterns and trends, and does the data supports previous knowledge or not. 


The end of your assignment is the conclusion, where you summarize all the information of your assignments and explain everything in the paragraph. Mention all the important facts and points that you mentioned to provide your point. Make sure t not to add any new information in this part. keep it the same as as normal assignment structure that you have been following for all the other assignments. 

Information source

This is the last part of your assignment, this is where you need to mention all the sources that you have used for taking the information for your assignment. Mention every single article, website, and blog with their author names, publisher, and everything else. 


National 5 provides exposure and skills that can help you gain good knowledge in the future as well. This blog discussed everything about modern studies the subject of National 5 including the templates, examples, and various topics for your assignments. You can use these assignment topics as your next topic for your assignment. Here you can get complete information regarding how to make your national 5 modern studies assignment perfect that will help you achieve good grades. In case you still have any issues you can seek help from the Best assignment helper, who offers student service like  "Do my assignments"  as they are professional in this and have complete knowledge. 

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Frequently asked questions

The assignment is of 100 marks, even if you have crossed the line of 80 consider that you have done a good job.

There are no such compulsory rules for not moving to National 4 if you haven't cleared your National 5. It is just it will be more difficult for you to be in National 4 without getting things clear in National 5.

The course code for Modern Studies is C84975. You can look for this course directly or search for modern studies.

Passing marks for assignments is 40%. If you have achieved several more than 40% you have cleared your assignment.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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