Category | Research Proposal | Subject | Management |
University | University of Bristol | Module Title | UFMFTF-60-M Dissertation Research Proposal |
You are to write a short research proposal for your dissertation. Maximum 1200 words in length.
The purpose of this piece of work is:
It is recognised that it is likely that the proposed plan of research and/or timescales may be subject to some changes as the project progresses. However, your proposal at this stage should demonstrate that you have thought through what the main research questions and objectives of the project are; that you have given careful thought to appropriate research methods; that you have identified the main sources of secondary material from the literature; and that you have provided an initial timetable/plan for completion of the project.
A Suggested Structure For the Research Proposal is Set Out Below.
Research aim/objectives/questions or hypothesis
Research Context
Provide a short review of literature to give an overview of existing research in this topic area.
Research Methods
Outline which methods are you selecting, and why, by reflecting on what you need to find out, and the time available to achieve it.
Timetable/Project Plan
This section should detail how you anticipate completing the dissertation by the submission date. You will need to identify activities you will need to undertake to answer each of your research questions. From this, you should create a work breakdown structure (with timescales) as the basis for your project plan. If yours is a company-based project, you will also need to identify the means of liaising with the company or companies to ensure you are able to collect the specific information you require to undertake the project.
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