Category |
Research Proposal |
Subject |
Business |
University |
University of Chester |
Module Title |
BU7406 : Preparing for Research Consultancy |
Assignment Brief
Learning Outcomes
This assignment will show that you are able to:
1. Apply appropriate research methods to ‘real world’ problems and evaluate the choice of the methods selected.
2. Demonstrate critical reflection on the research process and implications for future study.
3. Select and justify an appropriate project for management research, including its context and significance in management praxis.
4. Demonstrate the application of knowledge and skills to plan a substantial research‐based project.
5. Assess and evaluate potential ethical and practical challenges to conducting a research-based project.
Assessment Task
Students are required to produce an individually assessed research proposal which develops a strong research scope, justification, and methodology to the management research in action project (3,000 +/- 10%)
The proposal should include the following.
- Introduction
- Initial literature review
- Outlined methodology
- Proposed plan of work, via a Gantt Chart
Specific Criteria, Guidance & Support
Section 1
- Introduction – critical commentary about the context about the research. This section should include:
- Title of the proposed dissertation
- Background context
- Research question
- Research aim(s) and objectives of the study
- Research justification - why is this management research worth doing?
Section 2
- Initial literature review – This is not a list of article summaries but should be structured under themes and headings. It serves several purposes, including:
- To chart what is already known about the topic: signalling that you have positioned your work in a broad body of literature and are aware of the main works and ideas of relevance to your research
- To define the research problem that underpins your research question
- To illustrate some of the different theoretical and methodological approaches to your topic
- To help you develop a framework for your analysis
- To help you interpret your findings
Section 3
- Outlined methodology - Details of, and rationale for methodological paradigm & research design e.g. how you will design questions, pilot etc. This section should include:
- Critical analysis and decision of research population & sampling method
- Evaluation of specific empirical research methods with rationale
- Alignment of the research topic / question
- Evaluation and consideration of methods of data analysis
- Critical assessment and consideration of research standards (e.g. validity, reliability & generalizability / or equivalence of qualitative research standards)
Section 4
Proposed plan of work, via a Gantt chart - Evidence of understanding of key deliverables. Identification of specific tasks, timelines, and deliverables from each of the tasks (using Gantt chart).
Key Resources.
Following are some of the key readings as a starting point. Wider readings around the subject will benefit in depth analyses of the issues.
- Bryman, A. and E. Bell (Latest Ed) Business Research Methods, Oxford, Oxford University Press.
- Bell, J. & Waters, S. (2018) Doing your Research Project: A Guide for First-Time Researchers (7th Edition) Mc Graw Hill Education
- Easterby-Smith, M., Thorpe, R. & Jackson, R.P. (2015) Management Research. (5th Edition) London, SAGE
- Fink, A. (2019). Conducting Research Literature Reviews: from the Internet to Paper. (5th ed.). London, UK: Sage.
- Fisher, C. (2010). Researching & Writing a Dissertation: A Guidebook for Business Students (3rd Edition) Harlow, UK: FT Prentice Hall
- Gill, J. & Johnson, P. (2014) Research Methods for Managers (4th Edition) London, UK: SAGE
Gray, D. E. (2016) Doing Research in the Business World, SAGE
- Hart, C. (2018). Doing a Literature Review: Releasing the Social Science Research Imagination. 2nd Edition, London, UK: Sage.
- Hart, C. (2001) Doing a Literature Search: a Comprehensive Guide for the Social Sciences. London, UK: SAGE.
- Jankowicz, A. D. (2005) Business Research Projects for Students (4th Edition) Andover, UK: Thomson Learning
- Saunders, M., Lewis, P. & Thornhill, A. (2019) Research Methods for Business Students (8th Edition) Pearson