DGM22703 Research and Communication Strategies Research Proposal, Semester 7

Published: 18 Jan, 2025
Category Research Proposal Subject Education
University Ravensbourne University of London Module Title DGM22703 Research and Communication Strategies

Project Brief

Your assessment will be split into 2 parts: Research Proposal (50%) and Project Plan (50%)  
You will produce a research proposal centred around a topic relevant to your field of study, focusing on either Contemporary Marketing or Emerging Technology. 

The aim is to pinpoint a gap within the current market landscape. We encourage you to select a topic aligned with your interests and one that you might consider exploring further for your final dissertation.


Research Proposal (2000 +/- 10%)

  • Title Page: This includes the title of the research proposal and your name and student number. 
  •  Abstract and table of Contents: A summary of the research project,outlining the research question, objectives, methodology, and expected outcomes of the proposed research.
  •  Introduction: This section provides an overview of the research problem or topic, its significance, and the rationale for conducting the research. It should include the research question or hypothesis and its importance.
  • Literature Review: A comprehensive review of existing literature relevant to the research topic. This section demonstrates your understanding of the current state of knowledge in the field and identifies gaps or areas where further research is needed.
  • Research Design and Methodology: This section describes the methods and techniques you will use to conduct the research in the future. It should include details such as the research design, data collection methods, sampling strategy, and data analysis techniques.
  • Implications and contribution to knowledge typically discusses the broader significance of the proposed research and how it will contribute to existing knowledge in the field.
  • References: A list of all the sources cited in the proposal, formatted according to the appropriate citation style (Harvard Referencing) Are not included in the word count. 

Project Plan (500 +/- words)

  1. Timeline using a Gantt chart: A timeline or schedule outlining the key milestones and activities of the research project, including when each phase of the research will be completed.
  2. Budget: If applicable, a breakdown of the anticipated costs associated with conducting the research, including expenses for materials, equipment, travel, and personnel.

Please consider the following elements:

  1. Your choice of brand and topic must be relevant to your subject topic i.e.) Marketing or New and Emerging Technologies.
  2.  Ensure that your research question is based on a gap in research.
  3. Make certain that your research methods are methods discussed during the lesson and in line with your research question.
  4. Ensure you reference correctly using Harvard referencing styles. Papers which do not include referencing will be considered academic misconduct. 
  5. Use the library and reliable sources to write your report, use the checklist discussed during the lessons. 

Module Learning Outcomes 

LO1  Critically evaluate a range of quantitative and qualitative research methods aligned to creative practice, and to apply strategies for coherent working methods and methodologies.
LO2 Develop research methods that inform and support specialist practical outcomes and interrogate primary and secondary research to inform and support practical outcomes.
LO3  Choose appropriate methods to collect data: quantitative or qualitative for advanced and specialist research
LO4  Evidence engagement and application of Primary and Secondary research, and critical analysis of quantitative or qualitative data sets that relate and inform practice.
LO5  Apply consideration of research ethics, approaches,  and outcomes within specialist contexts 

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