U14886 Understanding Customers Reflective Writing | Canterbury Christ Church University

Published: 19 Feb, 2025
Category Essay Subject Business & Tourism Management
University Canterbury Christ Church University Module Title U14886: Understanding Customers
Programme:  Business & Tourism Management Assignment Type:  Reflective Writing 
Word Count: 750 Words Level: Foundation

learning outcomes:

This assignment has been designed to provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate your achievement of the following module learning outcomes:

Module Outcome 1: Identify factors that influence consumer behaviour in different businesses and marketing contexts, including tourism

Module Outcome 2: Demonstrate understanding of contemporary consumer behaviour theories, concepts and models and their application to specific contexts.

Module Outcome 3: Demonstrate practical implications of consumer behaviour theory in different business and marketing contexts, including tourism

Assignment Requirements

Overview: This assignment will enable students to reflect on and demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of basic module concepts such as customers and consumers and their buying behaviour.

Assignment task/s to be completed

To reflect on and demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of the related concepts of customers and their buying behaviour.


Prepare a 750-word reflective essay that includes all of the following:

  1. Definition of customers.
  2. A reflection from a customer’s perspective in tourism on two types of buying behaviours.
  3. A reflection on the applicability of concepts of buying behaviours on your experience as a tourist.

All of your work must be a reflection based on reliable research using a minimum of two (2) different sources from the compulsory reading list. You must clearly and accurately indicate your sources using in-text references and provide a list of references at the end, following the CCCU Harvard Style Guide.

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