RBP040L051 Diss ACG-4 Assessment Brief Postgraduate Dissertation

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Management
University University of Roehampton Module Title RBP040L051 MSc global business management with placement

Assessment Overview 

  • Reflects the strategic management or international focus of the programme;  • is based on current research literature and current concerns; and 
  • Contributes to developing business practices and new knowledge. 

Research Question and Context

State your research question; explain why and how answering it will add new aspect or knowledge  to the discipline; briefly describe context and list journal discussions that the question and theme relate to. Provide a brief discussion of the specific research objectives to be investigated. You may have relevant materials from the Business Research Methods module that you could work on for this section.  

Literature Mind Map

Enclose a visual mind map and explain this mind map. Demonstrate how your project addresses  new aspects as compared to prior literature. You may have relevant materials from the Business  Research Methods module that you could work on for this section. 

Investigative Approach

  • what is your purpose of theory building: develop new theory, reconfirm/test theory,  reconsider dated theories, action-based not theory agenda? Why is that research needed? • what data (evidence/information) you aim to obtain in relation to your research question  and what are the sources for such data/evidence/information? 
  • your approach to sampling: whom, how and when will you approach? 

    It is advisable to write this section from scratch and not start off from your Business Research  Methods (BRM) module, as that module has taught you better practices and techniques, and by the  learning gain from that module, students are usually equipped with the skills to conduct a much more systematic approach in their dissertation. The request to compare two different methods in  the BRM module is different from the request from this module.  


A single list should be given, obeying the standard rules Harvard referencing style for  bibliographical details, including web sites, blogs or other digital materials. Refer to the library  resources for more information. 

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