Category | Assignment | Subject | Science |
University | University of Birmingham (UOB) | Module Title | LBR7456 Global Public Health: A Social Context Approach |
LO1: Define and appraise the term global health and critically discuss the role of globalization, global institutions and global health governance that influence health at global, national and local levels
LO2: Use current literature to explore the social, economic, political and environmental factors that influence the changing patterns and nature of global health issues and the public health response
LO3: Discuss and critically appraise the role of the social determinants of health and global health inequalities
LO4: Identify and discuss one of the social/political theories introduced in the module in developing an analysis of global health
Coursework, essay 800 words, that address Learning Outcomes (LO’s 1 and 2)
Weighting 30%
Submission Date: deadline by 19
th March 2025 before 3 pm
Global Public Health Presentation of 10 minutes, Addresses all Learning Outcomes (LOs “2, 3, 4”)
Weighted at 70%.
Submission Date: Week of 12th to 16th May 2025
There will be opportunities for peer and tutor discussion to develop your focus within the timetabled workshops. Moreover,
A Short Essay Weighting 30%
Coursework, Essay of 800 words, that addresses (LO’s 1 and 2)
Submission Date:
The deadline by 19th March 2025 before 15:00 (3 pm) via Moodle submission point
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Order Non Plagiarized AssignmentYour essay must meet learning outcomes 1 and 2 (these can be seen above).
In preparing your essay you should focus on one public health challenge or issue as an example to illustrate your discussion. You may find it useful to identify a specific aspect (sub-topic) as your focus, to enable a deeper analysis (e.g. a population group, international agreement) however, this is not required. Remember that the discussion is ‘global’, therefore, focusing on a particular country is not appropriate. The issue may be a disease or a wider phenomenon.
As a guide, any issue or type of issue discussed in the module core texts would be appropriate (a communicable or non-communicable disease; an environmental or humanitarian issue). You need to make the case that this is a ‘global health’ phenomenon.
The essay should clearly demonstrate that you have met both of the learning outcomes (see the marking criteria, available and on Moodle site in the ‘Assessment’ section). It must provide a clear analysis of your chosen issue as a global public health concern, and it must apply some of the key module ideas/theories. It should include the following elements:
You should be explicit in your use and application of the key terms, to your issue.
You must support your essay by referencing up to date scholarly sources. Use the Library resources to search for relevant research and reviews that have been published in scholarly journals. Follow the university Referencing Guidelines (linked from the Moodle site).
The essay must submitted to the assignment point on the module Moodle site before 3.00 p.m. on the date indicated above
You must include the essay coversheet (downloadable from the Essay submission point /assignment information on Moodle) as the first page of your assignment.
There will be opportunities for peer and tutor discussion to develop your focus within the timetabled workshop (week 5). A further drop-in online tutorial will be available in March 2025
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