COM7032M Artificial Intelligence Concepts Assignment Guidance

Published: 17 Mar, 2025
Category Assignment Subject Computer Science
University _______ Module Title COM7032M Artificial Intelligence Concepts

Assignment Description

You are required to respond to the following two tasks: 

Task One:

GROUP BASED TASK (Group of three students maximum)

This assignment aims at preparing you to develop a critical understanding in Artificial Intelligence in general, and Intelligent Tutoring Systems in specific. You are required to work in a group of three students maximum, please refer to the published grouping document to find out your groupmates and topic, the file will be published on Moodle under assessment section. 

Actions to follow:

1. Form your group – three students and write the names in the form published in Moodle by the deadline.

2. Select three papers among the conference proceedings published on Moodle And write it in the Excel file.

3. Summarise the three papers in 1500-word report. 

4. Prepare a presentation that you and your group mates should present in the class- time and date to be decided later.

5. Be ready to receive the feedback and act up on them. 

6. You need to upload: (i) the report and (ii) the presentation to Moodle. One Submission per group.

The report format is flexible but in general it is expected to contain the following sections : Introduction, Literature review, System/Model Description,Conclusion and References.

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Task Two:

GROUP BASED TASK (Group of three students maximum)
This coursework will assess your artificial intelligence-related skills in real life scenarios/problems. You are required to work in a group of three students maximum. Please refer to the published grouping document to find out your group mates and topic, the file will be published on Moodle under assessment section. Once you have selected your group, you must work with your groupmates on your particular coursework, for example building Intelligent Tutoring System for Math. The topics provided in the assignment (Math, Chemistry, etc.) are very broad, so you have to narrow down the topic to a small part that can be solved. For instance,teaching students how to calculate the area of different shapes, e.g., triangle,

  • square, etc. Please make assumptions whenever needed to clarify and justify your point of view.
  • Deliverables: Each group is required to produce and submit through Moodie the following two components:
  • First Component: A prototype of ITS in a specific domain (Math, Chemistry, etc.) based on their group topic. This prototype should be developed using: (i) Protégé ontology development editor which will produce a web ontology language file (OWL) and (ii) any programming language U ava, Python, etc.) to create user interfaces. Second Component: A 5000-word report in word format, references are not counted.

This report is expected to contain the following sections:

1. Introduction: to set the scene for the problem

2. Project plan: to explain who is doing what, milestones and other project planning aspects.

3. Literature review: to describe the state-of-the-art Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Hence, you are expected to list the main ITSs in your domain and criticise their structure, mechanisms, knowledge representation, interaction with users, etc.

4. Your Intelligent Tutoring System: to describe the domain you are working in, the steps you used to develop your ITS, any limitations, to mention but a few.

5. Conclusion: to summarise the solution, lessons learnt and reflections.

6. References: to list all references used in creating your report. Once again, references are not included the 5000-word limit. You can use Harvard referencing style. Here are some useful resources on how to do that, other resources can be found online: httos://

The main purpose of you report is to describe your ITS and the steps carried out to develop it. However, you can discuss many issues, for example you can surrmarise the current development in ITS in your selected domain and present the software process you have used to produce your ITS. The process should highlight the key requirements, design and development phase, tools used, lessons learnt and future developments for your work. It will be extremely useful to conclude with Analysis and Reflection, where you as a knowledgeable researcher in Al domain, can present your analytical reflection on how to maintain the system, manage its evolution, and so on. 

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Learning Outcomes:

You must successfully achieve the following Learning Outcomes to pass This assessment: 

This coursework is designed to aclieve the following PLOs:

7.2 Apply the findings of advanced scholarship and/or contemporary research and practice to the solution of computer science problems

7.3 Critically evaluate computer science problems, including those at the forefront of field.

7.4 Demonstrate operation within applicable professional, legal, social and ethical frameworks.

7.5 Demonstrate originality and creativity in the solution of computer science problems. 

7.7 Apply standards, quality processes and engineering principles to the solution of computer science problems 

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