Dissertation Word Count Breakdown Structure With Sections

15 Oct, 2024
Author : Vipul Jain

A dissertation is one of the most important assessments you are mostly asked to write as your final assessment in your master's degree. Many students have never written a dissertation in their life and have to write for such an important case. This is the reason many students get confused about how to write a dissertation and look out for "who can write my dissertation". 

Dissertation Word Count Breakdown Structure

This blog will help you gain a complete understanding about what is the structure and how to Dissertation Word Count Breakdown for each section. Even if you know the structure but do not know how to break the word count among all the sections you won't be able to write a dissertation perfectly. This blog will help you out in getting complete information about all these, including the structure and sections of the dissertation. 

Dissertation Word Count Breakdown Among Sections 


Percentage of words


5% (This is not included in the word count) 



Literature review


Research Methodology 





25 - 30%




Write an abstract in 5% of the total word count, if your dissertation is 10,000 then complete your abstract in 500 words. 

Start your dissertation with the abstract. Abstract has to be the first part of your dissertation after you have made your title page make sure you write Abstract.  Also, the abstract is never included in the total word count of the dissertation. If your dissertation is 10,000 words then the abstract will be not included in this word count. 

The abstract is a summary of the work that you have done in your dissertation. Look for help for expert advice and tips for dissertation writing. The main aim of the abstract is to explain everything on a short basis. Many students get confused about an abstract similar to a conclusion, but it is not the same.

As abstract explains all the aims and what outcomes will the dissertation get, whereas the conclusion summarises all the outcomes and findings of the dissertation. 


The Dissertation Word Count Breakdown for the introduction is 10% of the total word count. 1000 words in case your dissertation is 10,000. 

This is practically the first part of the dissertation. The introduction is the part that is considered the starting point of your dissertation. The introduction part is written to explain what you will be doing in your dissertation. It is written to give an idea to the reader about what they are going to find further in the dissertation.

That's why understanding how to write dissertation introduction is necessary. 

For this 10% is enough for you to explain everything properly. Make sure you use these words in explaining things in perfect sense and in an attractive way. As introduction is the only part that can define how well your dissertation is, which is the reason it is considered one of the most important sections. 

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Literature review 

The next part is the literature review for which 30% of the total word count breakdown for the dissertation. Around 3000 words for a dissertation word count breakdown 10000. 

This is the next section of your dissertation, this section is the one that is going to define how well your dissertation is going to be. This is the part where you will be defining the purpose of your dissertation and this is also the part that will justify what is the significance of your dissertation while mentioning the previous research on the topic. Make sure you know how to write a dissertation literature review

This part explains why there is a need for more research on the topic or the field that you have selected for your dissertation. You need to review the previous published research discuss the gaps in this research and explain how your research is able to fill this gap. 

Research Methodology

The next part is the research methodology of the dissertation. For this 15% to 20% of the total word count is sufficient. If you are writing your dissertation in 10,000 words you can use 1500 to 2000 words. 

Research methodology is the part that describes what are the methodologies, techniques, processes, and methods that you will be using through your dissertation to get the required information. Mention every detail that you have used for collecting the information and all the processes for conducting the research for your dissertation.

This part gives a complete understanding of the data collection process. This is the reason you must know how to write a dissertation methodology.  


After you have done the research, you need to discuss the findings of the research that you have conducted, For this, you need 10% of the total word count breakdown for the dissertation.n

This is the part where you need to explain the findings of the previous step. Mention every single piece of information that you gained through the research conducted for your dissertation. You need to present your data and the results of the data collection process.

Make sure you represent all the findings and results in a proper clear and logical way. If you have any more issues look for how to write a dissertation results section

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Moving to the next part which is discussion, this is considered the most important part of your dissertation. For this, you need 30% of your total word count. 

This is the part where you need to provide a complete overview of the research and findings of the research. This is the part where you have to explain what your research has found and how it has helped in future research. You need to discuss the points that you have understood by conducting all the research and by finding out the result of it.

It is very important to know how to write a dissertation discussion section


After discussion, the last part of the dissertation where your word count ends is the conclusion. 10% of the word count breakdown for the dissertation is sufficient for this part. 

In conclusion, you might know about a conclusion but writing a conclusion for a dissertation is quite different you just do not have to conclude your discussion in simple language. You need to follow the complete structure in the conclusion as well. It's necessary for you t understand how to write a dissertation conclusion.

You need to conclude every section step-by-step giving a last explanation of everything. And in last, you need to conclude the discussion part by explaining how the dissertation be helpful in future studies and how your dissertation fills the gap that was previously found in the previously published research. 


This is mainly the last part of your dissertation, which is totally out of the word count of your dissertation. This is the part where you need to mention all the sources that you have used while writing your dissertation. It is very important to mention all the sources from where you have used information in your dissertation. You must know how to write references in a dissertation.

If you avoid mentioning these sources it will be considered as the work that is completely plagiarised, as it is impossible to write 10,000 words without any information from somewhere else. For 10,000 words around 860 to 100 references are good enough and will make your work original and valid. 

Tips for Better Dissertation 



Selecting the topic

Topic selection plays an important role in getting your dissertation better and making you achieve good grades. 

Make sure your topic is trendy and one that has good potential for research and is of interest. You can look for the best dissertation writing service to help you. 

Time management

Make sure you manage your time perfectly. As a dissertation is the longest piece of writing make sure you give proper time to each section of the dissertation. 

Proofread and edit

Once you are completed with your dissertation make sure you get your dissertation proofread and if there is any need for editing do that as well. Look for the best dissertation helper for getting your proofreading and editing. 

Valid resources for your research

Make sure you gain information for your research from valid resources. There are many fake published articles as well, so get all the information from valid resources like famous publishers, news articles, and Government websites. 


In conclusion, You need to Dissertation Word Count Breakdown to make your dissertation perfect. This blog has discussed the word count required for every section. Every section is important in a dissertation and every section plays an important role. While writing a dissertation there is no such section that you must consider not that important.

Just to make your dissertation perfect, you must learn how to write dissertation aims and objectives most importantly. An understanding of the structure and the section is provided in this blog. Make sure you do not make any mistake in changing the lineup of all these sections. As this is the accurate structure for an accurate dissertation. 

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Frequently asked questions

Yes, you can either say it chapters or sections, there is no difference, and both are the same thing. It is just different names of the format, other than everything is the same.

Well, it a better if you have proper time for your dissertation but if you are near your submission date, 1 week is sufficient for your dissertation. In case you are hiring any dissertation writing service they can provide you with work in 2 days.

Yes, no matter how many words you are using the percentage is valid for all the wordcounts.

This depends on the student who is writing the dissertation. But 2 sections are considered the most difficult: the discussion and research parts.

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Hi, I am the founder of Workingment, an academic writing services. I have contributed my writing skills and experience with my experts to the UK students to get higher grades. My goal is to help those students who have been facing many type of challenges while writing their writing project.

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