How to Write a Dissertation Discussion Section?

admin By Vipul Jain
12 Jul, 2024
12 Jul, 2024

If you're reading this section, it means you completed all the Dissertation sections like the Literature Review, Methodology, and results section, and now you are looking for How to write a Dissertation Discussion Section. So You're on the right path, In this post, we write all the details related to the Dissertation Discussion section, and how you can write these chapters in easy steps. Don't take the help of Assignment help in London until you don't try to make it yourself. 

How To Write a Dissertation Discussion Section? 

How To Write a Dissertation Discussion Section

Before writing a Discussion section, we need to understand first What a dissertation section is. So this section includes the result and explanation of the dissertation and the analysis of your dissertation. In this section, we need to provide a brief report of our research question and objective.

In easy, we can say Dissertation Discussion is an explanation of our research and a summary of our findings. The discussion Section is also divided into 5 parts that are Summary, Interpretation, Implications, Limitations, and Recommendation. 

If you did not complete the other parts of the Dissertation, so we also write about the How to Write a Dissertation Result in easy simple steps, Literature Review, Dissertation Conclusion, and research proposal. 

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What Do I Need to Include in the Dissertation Discussion Section?

There are so many points you should consider when you write a dissertation and write a comprehensive discussion chapter. 

  • A brief Discussion of your Research Questions and Problems
  • Summary of Your Objectives and Key Findings
  • Interpretation of your Result
  • Implications and Discussion of Your Research
  • Limitation and Analysis of Your Study
  • Conclusion and Recommendation. 

How To Write a Dissertation Discussion Section in Easy Steps:

After reading the main points, you easily understand what you need to include in the discussion chapter. In the below, we will provide more details about this section, and by following all these steps you can write your Dissertation Discussion chapter or you can hire the best Online Dissertation Helper in London.

Step 1: A Brief Discussion of Your Research Questions and Problems.

A research question is raised from the problem of the research. The problems of research are the statements that are proposed to find out the gaps in the already published research by some other people. The main aim of any research problem is to find out possible arguments and the gaps in the research so that they can be researched and fill those gaps.

Step 2: Summary of Your Objectives and Key Findings

In this part, you need to mention all the findings that you have got from researching which can be used for future research purposes. The summary of the research tells what the entire research is about and the objectives of the research

Step 3: Interpretation of your Result

The dissertation result is written to present the findings, objectives, and conclusions of your research to the reader. Interpretation of a research result is necessary to present the result in an easy-to-understand format.

Step 4: Implications and Discussion of Your Research

In implications, you need to mention your findings of the research in a summarized format so that it can be discussed. It is important to understand whether your research findings are useful in the real world or not. 

Step 5: Limitation and Analysis of Your Study

It is important to mention the limitations you faced while writing the research paper so that people doing further research on a similar topic can understand the gaps in the research and focus on them. A brief analysis of the entire research is necessary including the entire experience of your research and the difficulties of the research. 

Step 6: Conclusion and Recommendation.

Writing the dissertation conclusion is important to conclude the research findings so that they can be understood. Conclusion is the end part of your research paper writing and it should be written by concluding the research topic and recommendations should be mentioned for future researchers researching a similar topic.

Tips and Tricks for writing an A Grade dissertation discussion section

Here are a few Tips and Tricks for writing an A-grade discussion section in a dissertation and getting to know more tips you can take for dissertation help.

  1. Introduce your findings in detail
  2. Interpret the results of your research
  3. Identify the limitations you faced while writing your dissertation
  4. Develop recommendations for future research
  5. Write a good conclusion that concludes the entire research
Tips and Tricks for Dissertation Discussion Section

Hire Workingment to get more tips and tricks and dissertation help


Here are the most asked questions by students on Google;

Q 1. What are The Main Steps to writing a dissertation discussion chapter?

Ans. Some of the main steps of writing a discussion in a dissertation are to summarize your findings and present them in a way that can be discussed.

Q 2. What are the main sections of the dissertation discussion?

Ans. There are many sections in the discussion part of the dissertation like findings, summary, scope of the research, etc. but among them, the most important is the explanation of the findings of the results.

Q 3. How many research questions are in a dissertation?

Ans. Any kind of dissertation writing needs to have at least 3 questions and at most 6 questions. The questions added in the discussion must be relevant to the research objective.

Q 4. How many words should a discussion be in a dissertation?

Ans.  A dissertation must be written in about 2500-3000 words for it to be fully descriptive and worthy of a discussion.

Q 5. What is a discussion in a dissertation?

Ans. Discussion is the part of the dissertation where you discuss the findings of your research and allow others to share their views on the research. Discussion is a very important chapter of a dissertation as it decides whether the dissertation is valuable or not. 

Q6. How long should the discussion section be in a dissertation?

Ans. A discussion section should have around 6-7 paragraphs and each paragraph should contain about 200-250 words.

Q7. How to write a thesis discussion Chapter?

Ans. A thesis discussion chapter must include a reference, evaluation, reflection, and a conclusion of the thesis topic. One needs to explain all these parts in detail for the discussion chapter to be well-written.

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