How To Write A Literature Review For Dissertation

We know that you must have heard the word “literature review” whenever you have seen or heard about any academic writing or assignment. Now the question is what this literature review means and why is it this important in every writing, whether it is a research paper, dissertation writing thesis, or any coursework. Many students confuse two writings, a thesis and a dissertation, but these two are different, so if you don’t know the difference, make sure to understand the difference between a thesis and a dissertation. In this particular guide, you will gain insight into the dissertation’s literature review. 

What is a Dissertation Literature Review?

A dissertation’s literature review is a list of sources from which a writer or the students have taken the information and then prepared the assessment or the dissertation accordingly. It can be written in two ways: one is surrounded by the subject area and the other is identifying a gap. If a writer or the student finds any gap, then the literature paper shows what is the gap in the dissertation topic and what should be added in future research.

Now there is a word count also there in a dissertation literature review section depending on the type, that has to be around 8000 words for a Ph.D. degree, 4000 words for a master’s degree, and not more than 2000 words for a bachelor’s degree. If you do not know what it is and how to write a dissertation literature review, then you must be facing problems with how to write dissertation methodology too, but don't worry. We are here to provide you with the best assistance with the step-by-step guide to writing a dissertation literature review. 

On-Time Delivery of Dissertation Literature Review


Why a literature review is necessary?

Now that we have comprehended what a dissertation literature review is, so you must be aware of its importance as well. Including a literature review in your dissertation demonstrates that as a researcher you understand the aim of the research you have a piece of in-depth knowledge of a topic, and you can provide your own opinion if you find any gap in the research. 

Some fundamental reasons why a literature review is important

  1. It provides background information: Going through the existing studies, any researcher or writer can gain deep knowledge and understanding of the topic on which the student is working that enhances their focus

  2. Recognise the gaps: Going through the existing research paper or the dissertation can help you to allow and contribute to new knowledge that not has been noticed.

  3. Avoids unnecessary repeats: Try to avoid redundancy or reparations in your research as much as possible. As it makes, the reader less interested in reading the full dissertation.

  4. Provides theoretical framework: Giving a theoretical framework related to the main topic is an impressive and important step in the dissertation.  

  5. Showcases expertise: Adding a literature review shows that the researcher is aware and familiar with the available information about the topic.

  6. Findings: By comparing the findings which you have researched and what already exists you can understand better and analyse your findings. 

What are the things that are to be added to the Dissertation Literature Review?

Just knowing what a dissertation is not enough, what you need to write is as important as just knowing what it is. For that, you need to know what points should cover while writing a dissertation literature review. You can start by knowing about your sources, and then read the entire researched or written content. Then analyse it carefully where are the gaps and what changes you need. 

1. Identifying sources: 

To write any kind of paper in which you add a literature review, you need to be aware of a few things like reliable sources. If you haven’t given any list of references then you must need to provide the techniques which you have used earlier. 

As a researcher, you need to make sure that your sources are balanced and include both book and academic references it helps you to choose the best and most appropriate you must be wondering what are the parameters which decide the objective and research. In your literature review, there should be a few things included and should be the main focus of the dissertation. Also, make sure that your literature review is based on the type of dissertation whether it be qualitative and quantitative or a combined form of a type. Also, make sure to use the right type of citation such as Harvard citation, MLA or APA depending on the country and type of dissertation. 

2. Read your sources: 

As you decide from which resources you will take help so now the next thing is to read all the sources carefully and take out the important parts so your dissertation will be more effective and interesting to read. Moving to the stage second of your reading, you can take a few critical, in-depth sources. Make sure to prepare notes of it so you can have the more critical information. Furthermore, make sure to add a few more things such as mentioning your opinion, mentioning your methodological method, and any other theoretical argument if any. Including these points in the dissertation will make sure that you have worked hard on your dissertation and have reseed with all your interests. 

3. Consider Gaps in the research content:

Gaps are important as they show that you are noticing and working with a focus. Considering that your research has been filling the observed gap. Understanding it with an instance like identifying the gap is evidence that you have researched well and given extra points and a perspective from which you can add some extra golden scores in your dissertation writing. 

4. Reading is important: 

Reading sounds simple but it has so much importance when we talk about dissertation writing. First, it provides you with the intent of the researched work if it is good enough for your dissertation or not so you can filter the content according to your requirement. 

5. Recommendations if any: 

Whichever expanded writing you choose to read make sure first you read the abstract it gives you a sense of what your article is about. It should give adequate information about the whole dissertation. You should provide a recommendation typically with some insights if you feel any gaps need to be considered. 

Step-by-step Process to Write a Dissertation Literature Review

Any academic writing has some ways to write adequately. To write to literature review, you have to follow a particular pattern and guidelines, and the main content should justify the title or the research topic including these things is crucial for you as a student to keep in mind to know all things about how to write a dissertation. For students who don’t know anything about dissertation writing and its components, it's important you know how to write the dissertation introduction section, how to create a dissertation table of contents, how to write the main body of the dissertation and other important things. 

Below you will find step by step content table for your reference dissertation:

How to Write a Dissertation Literature Review Introduction?

As you know any writing’s crucial part is an introduction as it decides whether the reader will dissertation introduction should be attractive and so many students don't know how to write a dissertation introduction as well and they don't know how to write a literature review introduction. To write a dissertation literature review introduction, you will have to follow some major points in the introduction to provide the value and purpose of your review to your reader with the context. Here are the general guidelines for writing a structured review  introduction:

  1. Start the introduction with the relevant background information and definitions of the concept of your research topic.
  2. Make sure that you provide the relevant information for your specific topic. Also, explain the topic's importance and why it is worth reading your literature review.
  3. Also, mention the scope of your review to the reader and what key points you are about to cover in the body of your review.
  4. Also, mention the aim or purpose of your literature review that is included at the end of the introduction.

How do you write a literature review of the main body content?

The body of the literature review includes your reviews related to your requested question or aim of the dissertation. Your sub-topics or sections should be in such an order so that sub-topics can justify your research question. After 1st step, go for the logical order so that your body can discuss your sections. Also, create sub-headings that will help create a logical literature review structure. It will keep you focused on sub-topics relevant to your research aim. It is very important to analyze the literature in the body of your literature review. A description of the key points is very important to give the reader context. Also, make sure that your review includes an analysis of the key themes and the gap in understanding.

Make sure that you always organize your body paragraphs on behalf of your topic:

1. Group your literature sources into paragraphs on behalf of similar arguments or findings
2. Categorize your sources into similar sub-topics
3. Compare different findings with a single paragraph
4. The findings of your research must be relevant to the research objective and for that, you should know how to write a dissertation results section for making a good dissertation literature review section 

Another method of organizing body paragraphs is doing group papers together. This will help you to define your understanding of the literature.

Dissertation Literature Review Conclusion

The conclusion part contains how you answer your research question or how you achieve your research aim. This section will help your reader to know you have achieved what you intended.

You need to highlight the key points you discussed. Then you should refer to the implications of your findings in a broader sense. The conclusions part starts specifically and finishes broadly. You have to keep in mind several conventions when you are writing your conclusion.

  • Never include new information in your conclusion
  • Highlight the key points that have been raised in the earlier sections of your literature review
  • Don't include in-text citations in your conclusion

Example of the Basic Structure of the Dissertation Literature Review


This part of the literature review should be clear and crisp without losing the focus on the main topic. It should outline the main point of the dissertation. In all, it should contain a clear state of the main research topic as it is covered. A perfect and well-structured literature review should also mention the arguments that you have covered in the dissertation. 

Main body

The main body of your literature review will consist of a deep discussion of the academic sources you have chosen to review. You may choose to manage your reliable sources depending on multiple things like themes, methodology or even based on documented and systemic order. Make sure that In the body of your review, you have included the required arguments that are shown clearly and that you link these arguments with the literature.

Is there a thinker that agrees with your perspective? Say it, in a way that the reader will comprehend it easily. This showcases that you are very knowledgeable and experienced with academic research in your field also it's important to know the important steps in the research process. Make sure to make note of any ideas that you have and also do not agree with your position; apart from these arguments, it will automatically reduce the methodology of your dissertation writing. Furthermore, you can use direct sources in your literature review, however, do so strongly. Most will not approach it kindly the purpose of a literature review is to demonstrate your ability to critically engage with a piece of text, and littering your review with direct quotes isn’t a good indication of this. Instead, try to paraphrase quotations and only use direct quotes if they help to illustrate your argument.


In all your dissertation literature reviews it’s important to give an overall overview of the conclusions you’ve drawn from your readings. If your literature review forms part of a broader research proposal, reiterate the gaps in the literature here, and clearly state how your proposed research will fill these gaps. Make recommendations for future research in this section too, which demonstrates your analytical skills and will score you some extra points.

Who can help me to write a literature review dissertation uk?

There are so many dissertation writing services in UK that are working authentically providing their best assistance to the students so that students can secure their academic grades.

One of the best dissertation writing services in UK is Workingment which has done so many dissertation projects having over 1200 students as clients. Workingment has its own over 300 assignment helpers who are professionals in their specific fields. That is the reason of being the no.1 assignment help in UK of Workingment.

If you are looking for the best dissertation writing service then you can seek Workingment for your research project. 

Frequently asked questions

There are no fixed words or pages for the length of a literature review. It varies depending on its purpose and audience. However, a literature review should be approx 30% of your dissertation word count. If your dissertation is 10000 words then the literature review will be of approx of 3000 words.

A literature review is a vital part of the dissertation so it should be crafted if you have a dissertation project.

To write a good dissertation literature review section make sure you have chosen a good dissertation topic because your literature review should be relevant to the dissertation topic you have picked. So make sure you have picked the best dissertation topic for your dissertation.

Yes, a dissertation can be a literature review. A literature review is often written as part of a dissertation because literature reviews are a survey of scholarly sources related to the research topic. For example, if your dissertation is a report then it can be a literature review.

The 30% of the dissertation is a literature review.

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