TEC103 Information Systems in Business Individual Report Assessment 1

Published: 30 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Business
University Kaplan Business School Module Title TEC103 Information Systems in Business


Your Task 
This assessment is to be completed individually. In this assessment, you will prepare a report that  investigates and explains the various components of an information system used within a modern  organisation to support business operations. You will need to provide real-life examples from current  businesses or industries to illustrate how these components effectively support operational needs.

Assessment Description

Information Systems (IS) play a pivotal role in the operations of contemporary organisations. They  have transcended from being just operational tools to strategic enablers that can influence an  organisation’s competitive edge. In this assessment, you will delve deep into the components that  make up an IS. This will help you understand how different components interplay to support and  streamline business operations. The aim is for you to demonstrate a solid comprehension of each  component's role, relevance, and impact in a business context.

This assessment aims to achieve the following subject learning outcomes:

LO1 Explain the components of an information system used in organisations to support business  operations.

LO2 Describe how information systems are used to perform routine business activities in alignment with business strategies.

LO3 Identify the ethical, social, privacy and security issues related to information systems used in organisations.

LO4 Communicate the use of information systems in business using software development lifecycles and requirement gathering techniques.

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