SPO070-6 Sport and Physical Activity Master’s Dissertation Assignment 1 Brief

Published: 10 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Science
University ......... Module Title SPO070-6 Sport and Physical Activity Master’s Dissertation

What am I required to do in this assignment?

In consultation with your advisor, you will identify a research topic and conduct a critical literature review of the published research in that area.

1. Include a clear and concise title that provides a clear indication of the nature of the research.

2. Introduce the topic of your study and provide a rationale for its importance. Let the reader know why it is important area to research. Communicate the potential impact of the research but also be realistic. 

3. Include an outline of the relevant theoretical or conceptual framework. 

4. Critically evaluate the previous research in the area. Use the theory and associated research to develop a convincing argument for asking your question. Often this based on identifying a gap or controversy in the previous research.

5. Explicitly and clearly state the research question and/or the purpose of the study. Follow this with by stating the specific research hypotheses to be tested.

6. Ensure that you have accurately and completely acknowledged all sources of information used in the construction of your proposal. Include your full reference at the end. The references do not contribute to the word count. 

What do I need to do to pass? (Threshold Expectations from UIF)

  • Demonstrate an in-depth knowledge and understanding of the chosen topic area;

  • Develop and support an appropriate research question and hypotheses based on a critical review of related research.

  • Effectively structure and clearly communicate your ideas.

How do I produce high quality work that merits a good grade?

To obtain a high mark in this assessment, attendance in all scheduled sessions for this unit is required. For this unit, your own independent learning is also important. By reading around each topic via the chapters in the books you will be asked to read, you will gain a wider understanding of the key topics. 

How does this assignment relate to what we are doing in scheduled sessions?

The learning on the unit takes place primarily through guided, independent, and autonomous work. You will be supported by the advice of a faculty member. You will meet regularly with your advisor to develop your ideas and discuss your progress. An introductory lecture will clarify the dissertation process and requirements. Additional scheduled sessions will cover key aspects of the dissertation process, for example, reviewing the literature, research ethics and completing the ethics application and producing your dissertation manuscript.


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