SHQM27 Policies and Politics Essay | Swansea University

Published: 06 Feb, 2025
Category Essay Subject Political Science
University Swansea University Module Title SHQM27 Policies and Politics Essay


What follows is hopefully some useful guidance on what is expected of you for the assignment for this module. You are still expected to read around your chosen topic, and use your own research and initiative to flesh out the outlines provided below. Please note, that SOME questions may be adapted to allow you to apply the subject matter to an issue outside the UK, however before you do this, please check with me that what you are proposing is acceptable. However, it is of utmost importance if you do this, that the material you use is contextualised, and is not simply a description of a particular set of circumstances from a different country. You STILL need to provide a critical analysis and to demonstrate good knowledge and understanding of the subject matter.

1st question 'What problems do the 'environmental lobby' and the 'poverty lobby' encounter in seeking to influence policy makers ?

This is a question about pressure groups and organised interests. One of the issues regarding the influence lobbyists have depends upon the issues they focus on, and the department/s in government responsible. When we talk about 'the poverty lobby' or the 'environmental lobby' we are not talking about a single group, but a very diverse and heterogeneous set of interests. If you refer to the documents on canvas listing the groups involved in environmental lobbying they are as diverse as The Bat Trust and Greenpeace. Some are insider groups - such as the Natural Resources Conservation Council, while others are small outsider groups - such as Buglife. Insider groups are likely to have more influence than outsider groups. Some groups might form an issue network or a policy community, with issue networks being very loose associations with a very wide (and fluctuating) membership, while policy communities tend to be much smaller, highly organised and have very focused strategies and interests, which interact with relevant ministers and departments. (see documents on canvas outlining the characteristic of both of these) This can be a problem also if the issues that 'the lobby' are campaigning for, cross over various parliamentary departments. For example, departments with remits that include an environmental dimension are as follows:

1. Department for Business Innovation and Skills  -which pursues 'sustainable' economic growth

2. Department for Communities and Local Government - planning issues: new buildings and 'green belt' development. Make homes and offices 'more efficient'

3. Department of Energy and Climate Change- Cutting UK greenhouse gas emissions: promoting renewable energy, cooperating with other countries to tackle global warming 

4. Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - Promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of food production, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill; protecting areas of parkland and nature reserves, enforcing regulations that keep water and air clean.

5. Department of Energy and Climate Change - Cutting UK greenhouse gas emissions:  promoting renewable energy, cooperating with other countries to tackle global warming

6. Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) - Promoting sustainable and environmentally friendly methods of food production, reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill; protecting areas of parkland and nature reserves, enforcing regulations that keep water and air clean.

7. Department for International Development -Tackling the effects of climate change in developing countries; providing clean water and sanitation in developing countries, promoting and coordinating international action to tackle climate change. 

8. Department of Transport - Reduce greenhouse gas emissions from vehicle exhaust pipes, promote low-carbon transport technology, and expand the rail network (to reduce carbon usage and traffic congestion). As a consequence, those groups who collectively constitute the 'environmental lobby' will usually be unable to target one department, instead, they will need to lobby several departments simultaneously, which might 'dilute' their impact. And some might argue that sometimes departments come into direct conflict with environmental groups take HS2 for example. Certainly, the range of groups and interests that constitute an issue network makes it difficult for a clear and coherent policy to be advocated, and for the groups to speak with a single voice. 

9. Department for Business Innovation and Skills - creating the right conditions for economic growth and increasing job opportunities -enforcing the minimum wage 

10. Department for Communities and Local Government - expanding supply of 'affordable housing' - help households/families to reduce their fuel bills through energy saving schemes

11. Department of Education - Improving educational standards and literacy in order to increase 'employability' among the poor. 

12. Department of Energy and Climate Change -Tackling 'fuel poverty'Department of Work and Pensions - Reforming the social security system to ensure that people are always better off working than remaining on the dole. Reforming pensions system/increasing old age pensions.


Generally ensure that other departments have the necessary funds to enact their anti-poverty policies. To reform the tax system to advantage those on low incomes cutting the basic rate of income tax or/and -raising the tax threshold. -

Some groups in the 'poverty lobby' are small, single issue groups - such as Gingerbread which is a group which seeks to support single mothers, as opposed to Age Concern, an insider group who represent the elderly. The two groups do not necessarily have any affinity for each other, and may not necessarily be interested in eradicating poverty per se, instead they focus on the problems of particular groups, and some may act in opposition to each other. 

Because of the complexities here, it is vital that you have a clear robust structure to your essay, show that you understand how lobbying works, and why some groups are more successful than others.

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