REMDISS30: Spatial Planning Dissertation | University of Reading

Published: 04 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Education
University University of Reading Module Title REMDISS30: Spatial Planning Dissertation


The dissertation is the most substantial item of work that you complete during your course of study. It is designed to serve several purposes:

  • It should reveal your ability to define and research a substantive issue or problem of relevance to the subject of your degree title and, normally, any specialisation you have followed within that degree;
  • It contributes to the body of knowledge of the subject;
  • It forms a significant item of evidence of your achievements as a student and may be of direct value in furthering your career.
  • It provides an opportunity to research a topic in which you are particularly interested.

Students have to prepare a dissertation of 8,000 words (not including illustrations, tables and appendices) on a subject complementary to their programme and supervised by a Real Estate and Planning member of staff.  The Programme Handbook indicates that research topics will normally be on an aspect of the student's choice. Depending on the research question, secondary data sources will be a useful source of data. However, for some topics, primary sources may be required.

The dissertation is seen as the culmination of your postgraduate studies. The end product should:

  • Have a meaningful concern relevant to your course of study with a problem to be investigated, a model to be tested, or issue/question to be answered;
  • Have analytical/or evaluative content, relating the chosen topic to programme themes;
  • Provide evidence of consulting a wide range of sources that have been critically reviewed;
  • Provide evidence that the methodology adopted was appropriate for the topic selected;
  • Achieve the objectives originally set; and
  • Be effectively and clearly presented.

It is the visible end product and the object of assessment. However, the whole process of producing the dissertation is an important part of the whole learning exercise; supervisors will therefore be allocated to students at the end of the autumn term. In contrast to other modules, where coursework requirements will be more tightly specified and shorter, the dissertation is a much more challenging exercise.  Individual skills can thus be enhanced and the process of designing and executing the dissertation will encourage you to:

  • Reach independent judgment(s);
  • Develop practical skills;
  • Handle new problems;
  • Learn how to self-organise;
  • Do something unique;
  • Look critically at other work;
  • To learn actively and develop a sense of initiative;
  • Be discriminating with - and organise – information;
  • Develop your presentational and communication skills.

Because the dissertation represents the biggest exercise in independent learning, it also means that you develop a greater sense of personal awareness.  In particular, you will learn more about your own strengths and weaknesses, gain a sense of autonomy and freedom in learning, and gain self-confidence through your personal achievement.

Learning outcomes

The aims of the Real Estate and Planning dissertation are as follows:

  • Provide an introduction, setting out topic, motivation and approach, and guiding the reader as to the content of the substantive chapters to come;
  • Establish a conceptual/theoretical context and provide a review of the work already done in the particular field;
  • Justify a methodological approach followed by a presentation and analysis of research findings; and
  • Put forward a generalisation of those findings, leading to conclusions and implications for policy or further research.

Additional outcomes: 
Students will develop an understanding of the research process and the main challenges encountered in undertaking a research project. Their skills with regard to organising and executing such a project will be enhanced. Skills regarding the collection and analysis of data, the surveying and synthesis of existing literature on a topic, the application of theoretical models to practical questions, and the preparation and production of substantial piece of academic coursework also will be improved. They will develop the skills to conduct research and write up their results independently.

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