RBP020L061S Strategic Marketing Assessment Brief

Published: 05 Feb, 2025
Category Report Subject Marketing
University University of Roehampton Module Title RBP020L061S Strategic Marketing

About this Assignment 

Part 1: Introduction and Product/Service Description

A brief description and rationale for introducing the new or improved product or service that is the focus of your report. Agree your choice with your tutor by week 3. 

Part 2: A Critical Analysis of the Market Context 

Include a brief analysis of the market:

  • Key market trends (e.g. growth trends)
  • Who are the key competitors and how are they positioned?
  • Summarise the current customer attitudes/behaviours in this market
  • Identify the main issues/opportunities you think are relevant including social and/or ethical issues (if relevant) 

Part 3: Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning (STP)

  • What base(s) of segmentation you have used and why? 
  • Include size, geodemographic, psychographic, etc. 
  • Summarise the profile and persona of your target market and, if not a completely new product, how is the target market different from the segment(s) targeted in the past?
  • Include a statement that identifies why your target market should buy your improved product or service– i.e. what benefits it now offers and what problems it solves. 

Part 4: Your Recommended Extended Marketing Mix (given your analysis above)

Traditional marketing mix elements:

  • Product (include, for example, branding and packaging and service quality) 
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Promotional Strategy including Digital Media
  • Channel or Distribution Strategy

Part 5 A Discussion of Implementation Issues

This section should discuss issues related to implementation such as co-ordination between different departments and the role of internal marketing, as well as resources and capabilities required to implement your chosen marketing strategy.

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