PUB012-6/STI012-6 Healthcare Commissioning Critical Essay | UOB

Published: 30 Jan, 2025
Category Essay Subject Science
University University of Bedfordshire Module Title PUB012-6/STI012-6 Healthcare Commissioning

Unit Learning Outcomes

  • Demonstrate comprehensive knowledge and understanding of healthcare commissioning and its importance to UK and international public health.
  • Demonstrate skills and abilities to critically evaluate/reflect on and apply the key theoretical and practical concepts in a healthcare commissioning scenario.

What am I Required to do in this Assignment?

Each student will develop, describe, and commission a healthcare service or program, demonstrating their knowledge, understanding, and application of relevant commissioning frameworks and concepts. The essay will also include a critical reflection using a reflective model about the application of the key theoretical and practical concepts in commissioning.  The essay should be 3,000 words in length, but a margin of 10% more or less than the word allowance is allowed for this assessment, and therefore a length of 2700 – 3300 words will be acceptable. Your appraisal should be fully referenced using the Harvard system – refer to the University referencing guidelines for full details. 

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