Category | Essay | Subject | Nursing |
University | University of Sunderland | Module Title | NRS304 Facilitating Learning and Development in Practice |
Assessment Title: Develop an episode of learning for a member of staff/student and provide an evidence-based rationale for the chosen activities and learning tools employed
• What are you going to cover, what is the essay about?
• In your introduction of essay, you briefly explain the topic of your learning episode and refer to the appendix.
• Are there any key terms which need to be defined for the reader? This should not be in a list but written in the form of a paragraph.
• In the future tense
• Around 300 words (10% of the length of the essay)
• In the third person
• Forms the basis for your application to practice.
• Not for a class!!
• For one student or one member of staff
• Envisage yourself as a practice supervisor working with one student nurse or new staff member.
• Within your day you have brief teaching moments of 10-15 minutes which are episodes of learning.
• One of those teaching and learning moments will form the basis for your episode of learning.
• First discuss the theoretical underpinning of an effective learning strategy and an effective learning environment.
• Then apply it to practice through linking it to the lesson plan.
• Justify why you choose the activities, why are they effective learning strategies?
• What strategies did you use to create an effective learning environment?
• What is an effective learning environment?
• First critically evaluate learning theories and learning approaches.
• Critically evaluate means there needs to be an argument, showing different perspectives.
• What learning theories and learning approaches underpin your lesson plan?
• How does this knowledge influence your approach?
• Analyse how this impacts the person under supervision (for example student nurse, a colleague or a health care assistant)
• The clinical environment is the where practical learning takes place such as the hospital ward or a care home. For student nurses learning within the clinical environment might be called work-based learning, practice-based learning or practice placement.
• Provide a theoretical background about learning within the clinical environment.
• Apply theories of learning to the clinical environment – how do they impact learning in practice?
• Make sure to link it back to the clinical environment in which your lesson plan takes place.
• Critically analyse feedback strategies. This is based on theory.
• Apply to practice: critically analyse how strategies for giving and receiving performance feedback are implemented in practice.
• How did you apply it in your lesson plan?
• Differentiate between feedback and assessment – what is the difference?
• Provide a theoretical base about assessment, assessment validity and reliability.
• Apply how this is used within the clinical environment.
• How did you use this within your lesson plan?
Throughout your essay make sure to support your work with evidence of critical debate and analysis using supporting literature.
LO1 - Create effective learning strategies that contribute to effective learning environments.
LO2 - Critically evaluate learning theories and learning approaches and analyse their impact on those under supervision.
LO3 - Critically analyse and implement appropriate strategies for giving and receiving performance feedback.
LO4 - Apply appropriate theories to synthesize episodes of learning within the clinical environment.
LO5 - Apply appropriate theories of assessment to an episode of learning within the clinical environment to ensure assessment validity.
Finally conclude your work - highlight the key points from the main body of your work and give recommendations for practice based on your discussion from the main body of your work.
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