NBS8287 Global Employment Relations Individual Essay Brief

Published: 15 Feb, 2025
Category Essay Subject Business
University .......... Module Title NBS8287 Global Employment Relations

Choose only ONE question to answer: Answers should be no longer than 2500 words:

  1. Drawing on academic literature and examples from more than one country discuss critically in which way the different frames of reference help us to understand the current dynamics of the employment relationship. 

  2. “International Labour Standards (ILS) are crucial for the improving of working conditions worldwide; however, many issues make their implementation difficult”.   Drawing on academic literature and examples critically discuss this statement.

  3. “The growth of finance-led capitalism hampers the development of progressive and high-commitment HRM policies”. Drawing on academic literature critically discuss this statement.

  4. “The decline of trade unions makes societies more unequal”. Drawing on academic literature and examples critically discuss this statement. 


You are strongly advised to clearly interpret the question and ensure you answer the question that is set for the purpose of the assessment. You are also strongly advised to read further than simply text-books, and for an essay at Masters Degree level, you are not expected to cite lecture notes and certainly not Wikipedia. 

Interpretation of word limits

Your work must comply with the assessment word limit +/- 10% (excluding reference list, bibliography and appendices). Work that does not comply with the guidelines will not be marked. Please include a word count on the front of your essay. 


The assignment should be word processed, with 1.5 line spacing, a font of no less than 12 points and 2.5 cm margins on all four sides. All pages should be numbered consecutively.

In addition to these requirements, you should also make sure you understand additional guidance on academic writing, referencing and plagiarism provided as part of your programme of study.

Note that plagiarism is a serious offence that can lead to you failing the module and your suspension from studies.

Marking criteria and feedback

Refer to the marking criteria below. Further guidance, advice and formative feedback will be provided in the teaching sessions (online seminars and drop-in sessions).

Written feedback on your work will be provided in-line with university policy. You will have the opportunity to discuss your feedback with the module leader (please e-mail for appointment).

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See the solution of this brief click on NBS8287 Global Employment Relations Essay Example.

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