NBS-7108B Managing People and Organisation Assessment Brief

Published: 06 Feb, 2025
Category Report Subject Management
University University of East Anglia Module Title NBS-7108B – Managing People and Organisations

Assignment Tasks

  • Part 1: The first part is to undertake a case study analysis of the people management approach within 2 very different organizations. This is the more substantive part of the assessment and will count for 80% of it.
  • Part 2: The second part is to provide thoughtful reflections about your career development. This part will count for 20% of the summative assessment.
  • 1A: (Strategic) Human Resource Management.

Introduction and background: briefly describe both companies and their approach to people management, using approaches and models from the academic literature to do so.

  • 1B: Leadership and Organisational Culture at BrewDog.

How would you describe the leadership at Brewdog?  Evaluate the leadership approach concerning leadership theories and research.  What impact does it have on the business?

What is it like to work for BrewDog? Analyze the organizational culture and the employment relationship at the firm.

  • 1C: Talent Management at Accenture

What is Talent Management as described in the academic literature?  Critically analyze Accenture’s approach to Talent Management, how does Accenture seek to strategically manage its talent?  

How does Accenture recruit new talent? Analyze its approach to the best practice literature

  • 1D: Recommendations

What could Brewdog learn from Accenture in re-designing its recruitment and selection processes? What 2-3 recommendations would you make? Ensure that you support these concerning academic theory and research. 

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