MMP_5_MRE Media Relations Individual Campaign Assessment Brief

Published: 22 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Education
University London South Bank University Module Title MMP_5_MRE Media Relations


Analyse the ongoing trends regarding sustainable fashion in retailing and prepare a detailed communication  plan to address the problem or opportunity your client is facing 

  • Use one of the campaign planning processes covered during the semester to structure your work including a  background on the given client and assess the media coverage received by the client with a focus on  sustainable fashion in retailing while developing your campaign report 
  • Your campaign must include prioritized stakeholder mapping, a realistic strategy and communicative goals and  key messages with a rationale 
  • Integrate the PESO model into your plan to publicize the campaign 

Consider at least one PR & Media Relations theory in developing your plan and show how the theory will be  applied into your campaign report 


  • BACKGROUND: To include information about the client (obtained via research, client briefing & online research).  It is also recommended to include a discussion of how the existing PR and media relations operation, fits into the organization, size and structure of the department, its duties, etc. 
  • SITUATION ANALYSIS: An overview of micro & macro environment in which your client’s problem or  opportunity exists using specific frameworks covered during the semester (e.g. SWOT, PESTLE, communication  audit, etc), to include internal and external details that form a basis and focus for the plan & media research  (assess the media coverage received by the client on sustainability). 
  • ON-GOING TRENDS: Analyse on-going trends regarding sustainable fashion in retailing, provide an overview of  the industry (using Mintel, Statista etc) and competitor analysis. 
  • RESEARCH & THEORY: To include a detailed discussion of what you need to know to develop the campaign  report (what you learned that serves as the rationale for everything that follows) and how you obtained the  information (fieldtrips & secondary research). This section should show at what point or points in the plan the  research was carried out, or if additional research will be needed throughout the campaign. You are also  expected to include at least one PR & Media Relations theory in developing your plan and show how the theory  will be applied into your campaign report. 
  • STAKEHOLDERS & AUDIENCES: Create a stakeholder map and prioritize stakeholder using the power interest  matrix, choose the category you want to focus on and justify your decision. List and detail all the relevant target  audiences in the plan. 
  • CAMPAIGN AIM: Formulate the overall aim / goal of your campaign and justify target you hope to reach/ • OBJECTIVES: Specific and measurable targets for each audience that support the aim / goal; must detail how  they will be measured. Objectives should follow the SMART model (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant,  and Timely) & justifying the level of your objectives (cognitive, affective or conative). 
  • STRATEGY: To discuss the overall planning/strategic thinking for the development of an effective campaign plan  for the targeted stakeholders & audiences including message strategy. They should support the objectives and  overall goal(s) of the organization. 
  • TACTICS: To include a complete discussion of tactics (using PESO model) for each audience, not a generic list of  ideas. Tactics must be justified and representative samples of tactics at least 3 samples (ex – news releases,  blogs/microblogs, lading page, social media initiatives / posts, podcast, digital newsroom, Newsletter / magazine  stories, speeches, conferences, or annual reports etc.) are required in an appendix. 
  • BUDGET: To include an overall/total budget for the campaign and break down where applicable. • TIMELINE: To include a detailed calendar illustrating what happens when during the campaign, including  planning steps. It can be either a chronological calendar or a Gantt chart. 
  • EVALUATION: This section must specifically show how each tactic will be evaluated for every target audience, to  measure the success of the plan using the one of the frameworks covered. 

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