MCY22107 Final Project Report | Ravensbourne University London

Published: 31 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Education
University Ravensbourne University London Module Title MCY22107 Final Project

Project Brief

The Final Project in the MSc Cyber Security course is the culmination of the student’s studies and will form a framework for the central ideas and concepts developed throughout the entire programme at Ravensbourne. Through the realisation of the advanced final project, the student will demonstrate evidence of advanced conceptual, theoretical and technical capability over an extended period of self-directed study.

You should draw upon and consider all the outcomes of your work developed throughout your whole MA to give an overview of ideation to resolution. Consideration should be given to the relationship between the theoretical discourses pursued within your studies and the practical manifestation of your knowledge of design management.

This is an advanced project regarded as an exercise in the analysis, interpretation and presentation of data analysis, creative thinking, strategic management related directly to your subject discipline and should support either further studies or your professional trajectory. As such, the format of the final submission is flexible to allow you to present your individual project in a context appropriate to your subject of interest within the field of design management and your personal circumstances.
At the end you will communicate your research, findings and conclusions through one of the below formats: 1)
A portfolio of work: which includes a final Report or Portfolio of 7,000 words +/- 10%, on a real-world solution in the practice of Cybersecurity.

Module Learning Outcomes

LO 1 Critically evaluate and synthesize existing key data and theoretical knowledge using a wide range of research methodologies in the development of the final project

LO 2 Engage in testing and experimentation of data and analysis alongside contextual debates relating to the chosen subject to develop best practice in digital marketing to support your final project

LO 3 Present a fully resolved final cybersecurity project; demonstrating specialist technical and practical knowledge

LO 4 Be self-directed in liaising with industry and peers in planning and implementing a cybersecurity project to a coherent professional level

LO 5 Critically evaluate and analyse the principles of cybersecurity; their application and impact on creating and capturing value for business

LO 6 Critically analyse and test the impact of emerging issues of cybersecurity activities and propose innovative and creative solutions to these issues

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