Category | Report | Subject | Business |
University | University of Roehampton Business School | Module Title | Managing International Trade |
Summative Assessment
This module will be assessed through an individual report on a chosen company intending to trade in a foreign country or establishing subsidiary/sales office in a new context abroad.
The report will require you to provide a critical analysis and evaluation of the key international trade and business issues that would potentially affect this business decision, using academic and professional literature to support your arguments. Your report will include clear recommendations and a plan for implementing your recommendations.
Essential Reading
Helpman, E. (2011) Understanding Global Trade. Harvard University Press.
Hill, C.W. & Hult, G.T.M. (2016) International business: Competing in the global market place. (11th ed.) McGraw Hill.
Recommended Reading
Ahluwalia, M.S. (2002) Economic reforms in India since 1991: Has gradualism worked? Journal of Economic Perspectives 16(3) pp. 67–88.
De Pelsmacker, P., Driesen, L., & Rayp, G. (2005) Do consumers care about ethics? Willingness to pay for fair‐trade coffee. Journal of Consumer Affairs 39(2) pp.363–385.
Grossman, G.M. & Helpman, E. (2005) Outsourcing in a global economy. The Review of Economic Studies 72(1) pp.135–159.
Hesse, M. & Rodrigue, J.P. (2004) The transport geography of logistics and freight distribution. Journal of Transport Geography 12(3) pp.171–184.
Kokko, A. (2004) Markusen, JR: Multinational Firms and the Theory of International Trade.
Noe, R.A., Hollenbeck, J.R., Gerhart, B., & Wright, P.M. (2003) Gaining A Competitive Advantage. Irwin: McGraw-Hill.
Shadlen, K.C. (2005) Exchanging development for market access? Deep integration and industrial policy under multilateral and regional-bilateral trade agreements. Review of International Political Economy 12(5) pp.750–775.
Wade, R.H. (2003) What strategies are viable for developing countries today? The World Trade Organization and the shrinking of development space. Review of International Political Economy 10(4) pp.621–644.
Weiss, K.D. (2011) Building an Import/Export Business. Wiley & Sons.
World Trade Organisation: WTO in Brief
Relevant key journals
• WTO World Trade Reports
• World Bank Reports
• OECD Reports
• World Economic Forum
• IMF Reports
Our expert assignment help by UK writers ensures you excel in your Managing International Trade assessment. We assist in creating a detailed individual report on a company planning to expand into a foreign market or establish a new subsidiary. With our help with report writing, you’ll receive critical analysis of international trade issues, supported by academic and professional literature. Our guidance includes developing actionable recommendations and a comprehensive implementation plan. You can also get a free sample for guidance to refine your work. Additionally, our dissertation writing services are available for more in-depth support. Achieve academic excellence with our expertise!
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