MA Dissertation Presentation Guidelines, Kings College London

Published: 04 Feb, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Art
University Kings College London Module Title MA Dissertation Presentation Guidelines

MA Dissertation Presentation Guidelines

Your dissertation must be double-spaced, with margins of no less than 2.54cm on each side, with 3.17cm at the top and bottom, using A4 page formatting and a 12pt font.

Your dissertation must also include the following elements:

1. Cover page. You must include the standard coversheet for all coursework submitted within the Department of War Studies. In addition to this, you are encouraged to include an additional cover page after this which includes your name, your MA programme, the full title of your dissertation, your supervisor’s name, the date of submission, and the word count (see exemplar below). Some students choose to include an image of the KCL coat of arms on this page, but this is optional.

2. 150-word abstract on a separate page. This abstract must provide a synopsis of the dissertation, including:
a. Your research question
b. Your main argument(s)
c. A brief outline of the dissertation

3. Table of contents on a separate page

4. Chapters, numbered consecutively; each chapter must begin on a new page

5. Bibliography, arranged alphabetically by the author’s surname

6. If you are including appendices, these must be listed alphabetically and appear at the end of the dissertation

Your dissertation must use proper academic referencing. You may select any accepted referencing style commonly used in reputable academic publications (e.g. Chicago, Harvard, etc.). However, you must make consistent use of the chosen model. Please consult the War Studies Student Handbook for additional information on referencing. 

Please ensure that the final file for submission is named according to this format:

Lastname_Firstname_Dissertation.doc/.docx or .pdf
Please do not try to include the full title of your dissertation in the filename

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