LAW1027C - LAW3084C Constitutional Law Essay Brief

Published: 17 Feb, 2025
Category Essay Subject Law
University ....... Module Title LAW1027C & LAW3084C Constitutional Law

1. The Essay Question and the structure of the essay:

Produce a critical comparative analysis between an aspect of the  UK’s constitution with that of another country. You must ensure that  you produce a clear argument or particular perspective about the  aspect of the constitution you focus on.

You are expected to divide this essay into two sections:

  • First section (750 words) a general critical comparison between a country of  your choice’s constitution and the UK’s constitution. This section must include  a comparison between general features and principles of both Constitutions.  Your general critical comparison should aim to touch upon all the  features and principles covered in this module.

  • Second section: (1250 words) Focusing on one of the aspects of constitutions  produce a critical comparative argument between the country of your choice and  the UK Constitution. 

You MUST choose an aspect from the below list. 

The aspect of Constitution that you will choose to focus in the second section  of your essay MUST come from this list:

  • Separation of powers
  • Rule of law
  • Parliamentary sovereignty  
  • Devolution
  • Legal and/or political constitutionalism  
  • Constitutional monarchy and democracy  
  • EU membership
  • Judicial review
  • Theoretical approachesto constitutionalism  
  • Constitutional crises
  • Future of constitutions

This assessment is designed to examine your ability to construct legally and  theoretically persuasive arguments and present your knowledge and  understanding on the module content. These assessments must make reference to  primary sources of law (Acts of Parliament, common law, cases) and scholarly  literature (academic books, peer-reviewed journal articles, etc). 

All citations should be made in accordance with the Oxford Standard for  Citation of Legal Authorities (OSCOLA).There will be learning activities aiming  to improve your research skills (finding sources), referencing (OSCOLA). You  can find more information on the assessment in the assessment brief.

2. Anonymity

Every assignmentscript is marked anonymously. Thisis to ensure that marking  is free from bias or prejudice. Please do not disclose your name on your essay  script. 

3. Referencing, Typeface and Font

You are welcome to use any typeface and font which is reasonable and legible.  Where relevant you must use OSCOLA referencing, for further information  please find it here.

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