Individual Report ASG1 | Cousework Details

Published: 20 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Business
University Central Queensland University Module Title Individual Report ASG1

Individual Coursework Details 

The first piece of coursework requires that you do the following:

  1. Evaluate the customer buying journey of any two similar retail e-businesses (UK or Global)
  2. Compare and contrast the features and processes of your chosen retail e-business websites that make each less or more effective, and
  3. Propose a new e-business that would sell at least one product or service and would incorporate the best features identified in the two retail e-businesses. The new e-business needs to offer an attractive product proposition that customers need today. 

Any customer journey model(s) may be used provided the online search, discovery, presentation, cart, checkout, and post-purchase phases are all considered.

The Report – What You Are Being Asked To Submit

You are required to submit a written report of 2000 words (+/- 10% - not including reference list etc) where you are expected to compare and evaluate the customer buying journey* through two different e-commerce businesses of your** choice.

* Customer journey models are discussed in the lectures and tutorials. You may choose any model you wish provided you cover as a minimum online search(es) and navigation, evaluation of what to buy,  and the purchase and post-purchase stages-(including engagement and retention). You should consider customer engagement within and outside the website, calls to action, touch-points and any other relevant e-commerce concepts.
** Any 2 businesses that sell online directly to the customer (B2C) are acceptable. Online marketplaces, auction sites, B2B and similar enterprises are not suitable for this assignment. Ideally, the two businesses will be in the same retail sector.
*** Both B2C and B2B are acceptable for the new proposed e-business. 

You are encouraged to refer to the document “CASE Guide to Report Writing”.

You might use the headings shown in this briefing or you may use your own headings; what is important is that you clearly cover all areas outlined below in a way that can be marked. You are also encouraged to be as creative as you like in using visuals, graphs, and charts to present your arguments. This would make your report stand out, look professional, and be more enjoyable for the reader.


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