5K7V0004 Impact OF Brexit On Cross-Border M&A Extended Research Proposal

Published: 30 Jan, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Economics
University Manchester Metropolitan University Module Title Impact OF Brexit On Cross-Border M&A

Key task 

An Extended Research Proposal on a topic of your choice. The research proposal should include these elements:

  • containing a review and justification for the context of research
  • formulate research aims & objectives.
  • a significant critical review of relevant literature
  • develops a conceptual framework for your proposed research project.
  • propose research methodology to address your proposed research objectives.
  • discuss any ethical issues from your proposed data collection and proposed research study. 

Unit Learning Outcomes

LO1: Identify the macro and micro-organization context for the dissertation and the objectives of the research.
LO2: Critically review and synthesize literature on the subject area and develop a conceptual framework to underpin future research.
LO3: Describe and justify the choice of research methodology for collecting and analysing the data with due regard also to ethical considerations. 

Assignment Details and Instructions

Students are expected to produce an individual research proposal (7,500 words), on aspecific topic.

 containing a review and justification for the context of research.
 formulate research aims & objectives and questions.
 a significant critical review of relevant literature.
 develop a conceptual framework.
 propose a research methodology to achieve your research objectives.
 ethical consideration of the proposed data.


In this section, you should provide the underlying rationale and purpose of the study. The discussion should set out macro, and micro business context and any existing strategic issues/debates in the global and/or international context, demonstrating to the reader the relevance of your proposed study. It is important to undertake a critical approach when discussing these contexts including global and international contexts. Explain how your proposed research project will contribute to and advances the existing knowledge in the research field. In the introduction section, you are expected to provide your proposed
research project’s aims and objectives. The research aims and objectives can be specific research questions, which may take the form of hypotheses that will be tested within the proposed research project.


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