FP3001 English and Academic Skills | Academic Essay or Report

Published: 28 Jan, 2025
Category Report Subject Education
University University of Chester Module Title FP3001 English and Academic Skills

Learning Outcomes that Will be Assessed

  • LO1 Write well-structured paragraphs using a mix of simple and complex sentence forms and using cohesive devices effectively.
  • LO4 Engage with appropriate source material by distinguishing fact from opinion and evaluating argument. 
  • LO5 Compare and evaluate information and ideas from  […] written texts
  • LO6 Take retrievable notes from a variety of sources and prove their usefulness through summary and paraphrase.
  • LO7 Evaluate and select appropriate source material,  supporting your own ideas within the conventions for avoiding plagiarism.
  • LO8 Write a clear, detailed essay or report, evaluating information and arguments from a range of sources. 
  • LO10 Demonstrate via formative and summative assessment the development of academic and independent study skills.

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