FOOD1025 Food Safety Term 1 Formative Assessment Essay Brief

Published: 24 Feb, 2025
Category Essay Subject Science
University ........ Module Title FOOD1025 Food Safety


The aim of this formative assessment is to prepare you for your summative  work and for you to become familiar with the criteria by which work will be  assessed.  

Assessment Requirements: 

Write an essay about a food safety incident that you have read about.  Describe the incident, giving information about where it took place, how many  people were affected, which foods were involved and what the causative  agent was. Also suggest what could have been done to prevent this incident  from occurring. 

When collecting information for the essay use a variety of different sources,  e.g. books, scientific journals and the Internet.  

The assessment involves assessment of Learning Outcomes (LO) 1, 3, and 4  This assessment does not count towards the final mark for this course.

Plagiarism must be avoided. If you are unsure about what constitutes  plagiarism, please consult the Handbook before you start writing. Please  remember that if you use AI, this must be acknowledged in your work. If it is  found that you have used it and not acknowledged it, you will be reported for  plagiarism. 

You will receive feedback on this assessment no later than 3 weeks after  submission.  

Written feedback will be provided on the submission and in the grading form  on the module Moodle page. Please make an appointment if you would like to  discuss the feedback.

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