Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences Dissertation, UOG

Published: 27 Jan, 2025
Category Dissertation Subject Education
University University of Greenwich Module Title Faculty of Liberal Arts and Sciences


To provide students with the opportunity to carry out an original and substantial piece of  work on an individual research topic of their own choosing (with supervisor approval),  relating to the overarching themes of either applied linguistics or TESOL;  

• To enable students to manage their work effectively, with a high level of autonomy;

• To enable students to carry out a rigorous literature review, and analyse data;  

• To enable students to present research findings in an appropriate manner;  

• To provide students with an understanding of issues related to ethical considerations in  research.

Learning Outcomes:

On successful completion of this course a student will be able to: 

1. Identify and develop a series of original research questions based on a review of  existing literature and the content covered in the programme. 

2. Develop systematic strategies for accessing primary and secondary research material.  

3. Critically analyse and evaluate theoretical and secondary source material in relation to  primary texts.

4. Work independently in a self-directed and reflective manner to develop original  applications of concepts and ideas.

5. Formulate an appropriate strategy for approaching an extended research project.  6. Complete an original dissertation of 15000 words, with suitable argumentation and  structure, demonstrating conceptual understanding of the topic.


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